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  • Posts: 21
4 years 10 months ago #5258 by Alexander Goel
Hi, is there a solution Architecture call Friday?


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  • Posts: 181
4 years 11 months ago #5234 by Igor Sirkovich
At our meeting on August 23rd, Dr. Marion Lyver will talk about the ISO TC215 work on Intelligent EHRs.

She will also be seeking information about Canadian Initiatives for Intelligent EHRs in preparation to the ISO TC215 meeting in South Korea in November.

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  • Posts: 78
5 years 1 week ago #5155 by Ken Sinn
Thanks to Joel for reaching out to Firely regarding our request for project key/name/description recommendation. While Firely has no recommended approaches and suggest that organizations develop their own nomenclature, they did suggest taking a look at FHIR package naming conventions as documented at for ideas and considerations.

We will follow up in the next few days, giving people in this workgroup some time to review the content at the link above.

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  • Posts: 78
5 years 2 weeks ago #5143 by Ken Sinn
  • Ken Sinn
  • Joel Francis
  • Anne Belford
  • Natalya Pogrebetsky
  • Randy Nonay (Alberta)
  • Alex Goel
  • Rita Pyle
  • Thomas Zhou
  • Finnie Flores
  • Janice Spence
  • Iryna Roy
  • Sisira De Silva (NLCHI)

  1. Review/Confirm proposal for Simplifier project naming conventions
  2. Answer any questions on the URI Registry Process
  3. Update on FHIR CA-Core (Canadian Baseline)

Review/Confirm proposal for Simplifier project naming conventions

* Alex Goel asked about the scope of the naming convention and the Canadian FHIR Registry, e.g whether all Canadian FHIR-related projects needed to adhere to these conventions. The scope of the naming convention is limited to the projects published using the Canadian FHIR Registry.

* Finnie Flores suggested asking Firely for project naming recommendations. Action Item for Joel Francis: Joel to ask Firely and provide update to the group.

* Joel Francis noted that consistency in project key is helpful, particular as other FHIR publication content will be referencing projects via their project key.

* Anne Belford wanted to know if the scope for the Canadian FHIR Registry is limited to public sector, e.g. whether a FHIR eClaims specification from Telus would be appropriate for publication in the Canadian FHIR Registry. Joel Francis stated that the Canadian FHIR Registry is intended to be used for all Canadian projects, and to contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to publish on the Canadian FHIR Registry.

* Pending any conflicting project naming recommendations from Firely, we will start adopting the proposed naming conventions for Project Name, Project Description, and Project Key (Project Key only for new projects, Project Name and Project Description for new and existing/retroactive projects).

Answer any questions on the URI Registry Process

* Joel Francis described the URI Registry Process, which was adapted the OIDs process for URI requests. Three Actors: Requester, Canadian Jurisdiction, URI Owner/Responsible Body (e.g. Health Canada, if there was a URI requested related to Health Canada - Active Ingredient Codes, but this is more applicable to OIDs and OIDs domain ownership).

* Finnie Flores suggested that the final documentation provide a link to the URI registry (referenced in Step 1), as well as contact information for each jurisdiction.

* Randy Nonay and Finnie Flores suggested that in additional to Canadian URI Registry, Step 1 should also check in Jurisdictional URI Registry and International URI Registry (, and also recognize that each HL7 FHIR release may have slightly different lists of URIs.

* There were no objects to the proposed Five Business Days for responses.

Update on FHIR CA-Core (Canadian Baseline)

* Ken Sinn provided updates from the last CA-Core Profiling call and CA-Core Governance call.

* Anne Belford asked for some context around the CA-Core goals and parameters, some of which is available at and

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  • Posts: 78
5 years 2 weeks ago #5136 by Ken Sinn
I can chair the meeting for July 12th, and run through the agenda.

Current Agenda Items:
* Review/Confirm proposal for Simplifier project naming conventions
* Answer any questions on the URI Registry Process
* Update on FHIR CA-Core (Canadian Baseline)

Any other Agenda Items?

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  • Posts: 169
5 years 2 weeks ago #5134 by Joel Francis
The meeting scheduled for today July 12th is cancelled? I wanted to add the URI Registry process discussed on the HL7 call to the agenda in case they were any pending questions.

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