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Canadian FHIR Registry

The Canadian FHIR® Registry supports collaborative development in an effort to accelerate sustainable growth of FHIR, locally and internationally. The registry is the home of national FHIR profiles recommended for use in Canada, including extensions, value sets, URIs and other useful, commonly used components. It is also host to a growing number of national, jurisdictional and locally shared FHIR projects, and is open at no cost to all Canadian implementers.

The Canadian FHIR Registry offers:

  • seamless integration of profile editing using Forge (free FHIR profile editor)
  • designated project space
  • supports project teams of up to 100 individuals
  • online authoring of implementation guides
  • integration with source control tools such as GitHub
  • version controlled environment
  • a sandbox project where users are encouraged to test the different features of the tool before officially requesting a new project 

The Canadian FHIR Registry blends software development best practices with the requirements of modelling in FHIR, essential to delivering successful project requirements while having continuous access to structure validation, rendering and publishing.

There is an expectation that all projects in the Canadian FHIR Registry will be public, to promote Pan-Canadian interoperability, and so that others can see what is being worked on across Canada. Please note that ‘public’ does not mean ‘published’. Project owners are encouraged to use the Description and/or Subtitle properties to indicate the status of their projects (ie. Draft, For Internal Use).

Organization projects can be viewed without logging in.

How to Request a New Project

Please contact us and use Subject: Requesting Project

In addition, please provide

  1. Name of Organization requesting the project
  2. Project title
  3. Brief Project Description
  4. Version of FHIR for project
  5. Registered email addresse(s) of project administrator(s) (To register on, please sign up here -
  6. Status of the project - Private/Public (Please note that new projects can reamin in private status for a short period of time prior before being made public. Infoway actively governs this process to ensure projects do not stay private indefinitely, supporting transparency and interoperability)

How to Request Access to Sandbox

Please contact us

In addition, please provide

  1. Name of Organization requesting the project
  2. Version of FHIR for project
  3. Registered email addresse(s) of indvidual(s) to be added to sandbox (To register on, please sign up here -
  4. Duration (in days) you intend to test, after which your reservation will be recycled for other users

View projects in the Canadian FHIR Registry

Service Level Agreement and Business Continuity should not be used in a production setting, as 24/7 support is not provided by Infoway or Firely®.

A project created in the Canadian FHIR Registry can be linked to an existing GitHub account. GitHub serves as a secondary backup and can sync the content in the project accordingly. Read details on how to set this up

Users of the Canadian FHIR Registry on the Simplifier platform can expect the following response time from the Firely team for any issue encountered.

Issue Premium Support Description
High Priority
  • Response time < 4 hours
  • Resolution time < 8 hours
Work halts and affects a large number of users
Medium Priority
  • Response time < 4 hours
  • Resolution time < 16 hours
Able to continue working but affects a small number of users
Low Priority
  • Response time < 4 hours
  • Resolution time < 24 hours
Able to continue work and affects a couple of users
  • Unlimited
Able to influence the product’s road map

Read an overview of the Service Level Agreement between Infoway and

All project artifacts are backed up weekly at midnight on Sundays. Each snapshot will be retained for 10 days. The project owner can request an as-is snapshot containing all the necessary artifacts such as text, xml, json, md and image files by contacting us.

Forge License Agreement

The current contract between Infoway and Firely for allows for 10 Forge Users Seats. Any additional per-project or Forge user fee will result in extra costs for Infoway. Infoway has a governance process in place to ensure these costs are managed and monitored effectively and reasonably. Infoway’s contract with Firely has been extended through December 31, 2027.  If the authors in belong to projects that are part of the Canadian FHIR Registry, they will be given rights through the administration processes of the platform conducted by Infoway.

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