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FHIR® Implementations

Dedicated to the discovery, definition and publishing of HL7® FHIR® Implementation Guides, Conformance, Profiles, Extensions and ValueSets serving the Canadian context.
Members: 387
Contact: Anil Patel
Type: Open
Access: Public
Dedicated to the discovery, definition and publishing of HL7® FHIR® Implementation Guides, Conformance, Profiles, Extensions and ValueSets serving the Canadian context.


HL7 CanadaWelcome to the Canadian FHIR implementation community forum. The purpose of this forum is to collaborate on areas of FHIR implementation that will advance implementations across Canada, while contributing to the global adoption of FHIR. The objective is to develop pan-Canadian approaches to constraining and extending FHIR. The community has been active since January 2016 and has been growing ever since!

The community has several streams of activity:

  • Topical workstreams
  • Monthly community calls to share workstream progress and other FHIR-related news
    A general forum to ask questions and share information

The table below provides more details on the workstream activity:

Workstream Co-Chairs Objective Progress to date
Solution Architecture

Igor Sirkovich (OMHLTC)

Ken Sinn (Ontario Health Team)

  1. Serve as a forum for all architectural questions about implemention of FHIR based solutions
  2. Discuss Canadian URI (incl. mapping to OIDs), profiles and extensions
  1. Currently hosting governance calls for the FHIR Profiling Stream

Tim Berezny (CareDove)

Caryn Harris (Orion Health)

  1. Build eReferral use cases
  2. Prototype eReferral use cases
  3. Select Resources to include in Specifications
  4. Write preliminary Specifications for broader use
  1. Assembled stakeholders from across the e-referral spectrum to build a community led e-Referral specification.
  2. Published an e-referral implementation guide that has been adopted by various integrations across Ontario:
Community Monthly Calls

Gavin Tong (Gevity Inc.)

Yaron Derman (eHealth Ontario)

  1. Share progress within the workstreams within the broader FHIR community
  2. Identify and promote FHIR education and implementation activities
  1. Informative updates and discussions about FHIR globally and progress across the workstreams
  2. Average 17 participants per call.
Canadian Baseline Profiles & Governance

Sheridan Cook (Accenture)

Michael Savage (Sunlife)

  1. Create of a set of national FHIR profiles that can be leveraged by implementers and jurisdictions to promote re-use and interoperability
  2. Establish a common baseline / starting point for Canadian FHIR Implementations
  1. Organization of workstream into Profiling and Governance Streams, to allow for ample time to explore different types of issues
  2. Total of 78 proposed changes to draft Profiles received from FHIR Community
  3. Organization of Profiling Stream into sub-streams based on thematic groupings of FHIR Profiles: Entities, Medications, and Clinical
  4. Average 10 participants per call

Recordings of the CA FHIR Baseline Calls can be found on the following Youtube playlist:

SMART on FHIR Community of Practice

Russell Buchanan (eHealth Centre of Excellence)

Raman Dhanoa (Dogwood Health Consulting)

Irfan Hakim (Accenture)

  1. Establish a shared foundation for Canadian SMART on FHIR application developers.

  2. Serve as a collaborative forum for discussing use-cases, solving SMART on FHIR implementation obstacles, and enabling demonstrations and insights across different provinces.

This group has commenced its discussions centered on SMART Launch contexts and related parameters. The intial use-cases that are being discussed include the Ocean SMART Launch V1.0, SMART Launch v2.0 and Telus Ocean Integration.

The FHIR community forum is a great place to learn, share and collaborate, whether you are new to FHIR or are already have deep FHIR experience.

Key Resources

Canadian Core Profiles


Vania Granese created a new discussion in FHIR® Implementations

OID Description: Vendor OID used for identification of Central East Clinical Information System product installations in Canada. The OID is intended to be used for sharing information between Central East Clinical Information System and jurisdictional health services/systems across Canada OID Symbolic name: ca-CECIS Responsible Body: Central East Hospital Cluster (CEHC) Proposed FHIR URI: none To be published: HL7 OID registry ...

Emerald Liang joined a group

FHIR® Implementations Logo
Dedicated to the discovery, definition and publishing of HL7® FHIR® Implementation Guides, Conformance, Profiles, Extensions and ValueSets serving the Canadian context.

Michael Savage created a new discussion in FHIR® Implementations

Hi all! For this Friday's CA Baseline Call, we'll be continuing last week's agenda of confirming & discussing the fixes for Invariants for Observation and SmokingStatus. For reference, here is last week's deck which provides context on the decision(s) to be made for those topics: Thank you!

Michael Savage replied to a discussion in FHIR® Implementations

Hi all! Here's the link to the recording from today's call: As well, here's the location on the Forum where you can find the deck shared during today's call. You can refer to slides 5 and 6 for a preview of the Invariant topics we'll aim to cover in the next Profiling call: Thank you!

Mukesh Kashyap created a new discussion in FHIR® Implementations

Subject: British Columbia, Canada, Paramedic License Number URI Description: A unique identifier issued to a Health Care Provider who is a paramedic in British Columbia, Canada URI Symbolic name: ca-bc-paramedic Proposed FHIR URI: Responsible Body & Contact Information: British Columbia Ministry of Health, [email protected] Please review this information and advise if you have any questions, concerns or feedback., Thanks, Best Regards. Mukesh Kashyap

Mukesh Kashyap created a new discussion in FHIR® Implementations

Subject: British Columbia, Canada, Medical Radiation Technologist License Number URI Description: A unique identifier issued to a Health Care Provider who is a medical radiation technologist in British Columbia, Canada URI Symbolic name: ca-bc-radiation-technologist Proposed FHIR URI: Responsible Body & Contact Information: British Columbia Ministry of Health, [email protected] Please review this information and advise if you have any questions, concerns or feedback. Thanks, Best Regards. Mukesh Kashyap


Upcoming events:

Fri Aug 02 @ 2:00PM - 03:00PM
CA FHIR Baseline Governance Stream
Fri Aug 09 @ 2:00PM - 03:00PM
CA FHIR Baseline Profiling Stream
Fri Aug 16 @11:00AM - 12:00PM
SMART North Monthly


EMR-POS Vendor Type-4 OID Request for Central East Clinical Information System 07/26/24

OID Description: Vendor OID used for identification of Central East Clinical Information System product installations in Canada. The OID is intended to be used for sharing information between Central East Clinical Information System and jurisdictiona...

CA Baseline Governance Call | Friday Jul 19 2-3pm ET | Agenda 07/17/24

Hi all! For this Friday's CA Baseline Call, we'll be continuing last week's agenda of confirming & discussing the fixes for Invariants for Observation and SmokingStatus. For reference, here is last week's deck which provides context on the decisio...

CA Baseline Profiling Call - Fri Jul 12 2-3pm ET - Agenda 07/12/24

Hi all! Here's the link to the recording from today's call: As well, here's the location on the Forum where you can find the deck shared during today's call. You can refer to slides 5 and 6 for a preview of the I...

New URI request - BC, Canada, Paramedic License Number 07/11/24

Subject: British Columbia, Canada, Paramedic License Number URI Description: A unique identifier issued to a Health Care Provider who is a paramedic in British Columbia, Canada URI Symbolic name: ca-bc-paramedic Proposed FHIR URI: https://f...

New URI Request - BC, Canada, Medical Radiation Technologist License Number 07/11/24

Subject: British Columbia, Canada, Medical Radiation Technologist License Number URI Description: A unique identifier issued to a Health Care Provider who is a medical radiation technologist in British Columbia, Canada URI Symbolic name: ca-bc...

New URI Request - BC, Canada, Electroneurophysiology Technologist License Number 07/11/24

Subject: British Columbia, Canada, Electroneurophysiology Technologist License Number URI Description: A unique identifier issued to a Health Care Provider who is a Electroneurophysiology (ENP) technologist in British Columbia, Canada URI Symb...

CA Baseline Profiling Call - Fri Jul 12 2-3pm ET - Agenda 07/11/24

Hi again! Just following-up on the prior agenda post. Sheridan's graciously provided some added context and framing for the Invariants discussion. For the call tomorrow (Friday July 12th 2-3pm EST), we'll be confirming & discussing the fixes for I...

CA Baseline Profiling Call - Fri Jul 12 2-3pm ET - Agenda 07/10/24

Hi all! For this Friday's Profiling Call, I'll be facilitating in Sheridan's absence. We'll start by sourcing from the group if folks on the call can comment on the prior discussion on invariants, and then will pivot to working through the open it...

CA Baseline Governance Call - Fri Jul 5th 2-3pm ET - Agenda 07/05/24

For anyone interested in trying yourself, this is the script I was working off of today was: ... In ca-baseline directory: ... (Note: may need to fork and clone if you don't have sufficient permissions for ig-registry repo) ...

CA Baseline Governance Call - Fri Jul 5th 2-3pm ET - Agenda 07/05/24

Hi folks! A huge thank-you to Elliot for walking us through the IG Publisher process so diligently and for following-up with such a comprehensive list of links and resources! I'm just following-up on this same thread to provide the link to recordi...

CA Baseline Governance Call - Fri Jul 5th 2-3pm ET - Agenda 07/05/24

Hi everyone, I'm sorry that today's session didn't quite go as planned. I'm going to blame it on the demo gremlins; I'm sure many of you have been in the same situation. As I mentioned in the call, IG Publisher documentation is spread out, and...

CA Baseline Governance Call - Fri Jul 5th 2-3pm ET - Agenda 07/03/24

Hi all! For this Friday's CA Baseline Governance session (Friday July 5th 2-3pm ET) agenda, we will be using the time for Elliot Silver to provide a walkthrough/demo to the group on how to use IG Publisher to publish Implementation Guides (iGuides...

EMR POS Vendor Type-4 OID Request for Ofys EMR 07/02/24

New Vendor OID for Ofys to used with PrescribeIT implementation has been registered with HL7. Anil

Building Blocks: CA-Core+ v0.2.0 DFT Ballot Disposition Review: July 2, 1-2pm ET 06/27/24

Please join us on Tuesday, July 2nd, 1pm-2pm Eastern as we review the ballot comment dispositions for CA-Core+ v0.2.0 DFT Ballot. You can find the calendar invite on the Infocentral calendar entry here:

Prepping for CA Baseline Canonical URL change 06/27/24

As discussed on the June CA Baseline Governance Calls, we will be preparing to move to a new canonical url for the CA Baseline IG & Profiles as part of a 2.0 release (ideally in late summer). The new canonical url base will be


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Note: Group members are not currently notified when new documents are added. To notify others, you must post the URL to the new document in the forum. (Notification of document uploads is a feature in development.)

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Architecture ( 2 Documents )

BusinessCase ( 6 Documents )

CA Baseline Materials ( 17 Documents )

CDS Hooks ( 1 Document )

Client Registry ( 2 Documents )

Consent Management ( 0 Document )

eReferral ( 68 Documents )

Meeting Materials ( 9 Documents )

Provider Registry ( 1 Document )

Questionnaire ( 3 Documents )

SMART on FHIR ( 3 Documents )

Tooling ( 9 Documents )

Identifier OID registration form for Ofys

Published on Jun 13, 2024 by Karine Fournier

03-15-2024_ CA Core+ v0.1 DFT Infoway - CIHI Dispositioning

Published on Mar 15, 2024 by Sadrina Petit

Identifier OID Registration Form Mackenzie Health

Published on Oct 18, 2023 by Prabhdeep Dhaliwal

Nova Scotia OID Request Form for Dietitians and Nutritionists

Published on Aug 29, 2023 by Chuntang Liu

HL7 OID for Quebec - clarification of .56 and .100

Published on Jun 07, 2022 by Anibal Jodorcovsky

Canada Type 3 OIDS - Professional Colleges

Published on Nov 23, 2021 by Joanie Harper

Identifier OID Registration Form OmniMed

Published on Aug 05, 2021 by Vania Granese

ca-NamingSystem screenshot

Published on Nov 16, 2020 by Joanie Harper

Identifier OID Registration Form_ShoppersDrugMart_Type4

Published on Oct 07, 2020 by Vania Granese

Identifier OID Registration Form for ATLAS Alliance

Published on Oct 04, 2020 by Vania Granese

Identifier OID Registration Form Aware MD

Published on Sep 03, 2020 by Vania Granese

FHIR NamingSystem Template 2020

Published on Jul 21, 2020 by Joel Francis

HL7 Canada Pres to FHIR Community 2020-03-25

Published on Mar 25, 2020 by Michael Savage

Identifier OID Registration Form QHR

Published on Mar 06, 2020 by Vania Granese

Canadian Core Project Deck - as of Nov 6 2019

Published on Nov 06, 2019 by Michael Savage

Alberta Pharmacy License Number

Published on Nov 04, 2019 by Randy Nonay

Life of Lamberts Consolidated Stories

Published on Oct 25, 2019 by Michael Savage

SDC on FHIR by Joel Francis and Alex goel

Published on Sep 06, 2019 by Alexander Goel

ACCESS Atlantic Discovery Phase B Presentation - July 2019

Published on Jul 24, 2019 by Michael Savage

Alberta Delivery Site Identifier OIDS

Published on Jul 04, 2019 by Randy Nonay

Canadian Core Profile - Template for Review / Proposed Changes

Published on Jun 21, 2019 by Michael Savage

Vendor OID Form IntraHealth EMR

Published on Jun 11, 2019 by Vania Granese

Alberta Prescription Monitoring Protocol OID request

Published on Mar 29, 2019 by Randy Nonay

OID registration form for Microquest Canada

Published on Mar 29, 2019 by Randy Nonay

OID Registration Form for Input Health

Published on Mar 22, 2019 by Vania Granese

Identifier OID Registration Form for Indivica

Published on Mar 05, 2019 by Vania Granese

Joel Francis' HL7 WGM Update

Published on Jan 23, 2019 by Yaron Derman

New OIDs Request Process

Published on Dec 05, 2018 by Joel Francis

Terminology Gateway - Overview

Published on Dec 05, 2018 by Joel Francis

Why FHIR, Why Now?

Published on Dec 14, 2017 by Tasha Shaw-Verbic

Pourquoi utiliser FHIR et pourquoi maintenant

Published on Dec 13, 2017 by Tasha Shaw-Verbic



Anil Patel
Picture of Anil Patel
Canada Health Infoway
Sadrina Petit
Picture of Sadrina Petit
Canada Health Infoway
Sheridan Cook
Picture of Sheridan Cook
Michael Savage
Picture of Michael Savage
Linda Monico
Picture of Linda Monico
Canada Health Infoway
Emerald Liang
Picture of Emerald Liang
Huu-Long Nguyen
Picture of Huu-Long Nguyen
Natalie Schweizer
Picture of Natalie Schweizer
Northern Health Authority
Brooke Carroll
Picture of Brooke Carroll
Canadian Institute for Health Information
Karine Fournier
Picture of Karine Fournier
Canada Health Infoway
Sanjin Sabljakovic
Picture of Sanjin Sabljakovic
Ontario Health
Bastien Duchesne
Picture of Bastien Duchesne
Prime Focus Endoscopy
Wei Zhou
Picture of Wei Zhou
Ministère de santé et services sociaux du Québec
Jaideep Patel
Picture of Jaideep Patel
Thomas Laehren
Picture of Thomas Laehren

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