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HL7 Canada Council

Responsible for fulfilling some of the obligations listed in the HL7 Affiliate Agreement with HL7 International. As such, membership in the group is closed to the elected members as specified in its Terms of Reference but participation is encouraged from the broader community.
Members: 17
Contact: Anil Patel
Type: Approval
Access: Public
Responsible for fulfilling some of the obligations listed in the HL7 Affiliate Agreement with HL7 International. As such, membership in the group is closed to the elected members as specified in its Terms of Reference but participation is encouraged from the broader community.


HL7 Canada Council is a group responsible for fulfilling some of the obligations listed in the HL7 Affiliate Agreement with HL7 International. As such, membership in the group is closed to host only the elected members as specified in its HL7 Canada Council - Terms of Reference, but participation is encouraged from the broader community (i.e. non-council members cannot join but can view most of the activity and participate in its meetings).

HL7 Canada Council Members

Chair, HL7 Canada Affiliate
Co-Chair, HL7 International Council
Affiliate Director, HL7 International Board of Directors

Ron G Parker (2022-2023)
HL7 Canada Members at Large

Sheridan Cook (2023-2024)

Shannon O'Connor (2023-2024)

Randy Nonay (2024-2025)

Joel Francis (2024-2025)
Infoway Representative Anil Patel

Key Resources


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Upcoming events:

Tue Aug 20 @ 1:00PM - 02:00PM
HL7 Canada Council Monthly Call
Tue Sep 17 @ 1:00PM - 02:00PM
HL7 Canada Council Monthly Call
Tue Oct 15 @ 1:00PM - 02:00PM
HL7 Canada Council Monthly Call


Agenda for Todays HL7 Canada Council Call 06/18/24

Hello everyone. The agenda for ...n is very simple. - Welcome and Agenda Review - CA FHIR Governance - Terms of Reference Progress Review - Other Business? The focus today is on our progress on update the HL7 Canada Council Terms of Refer...

Agenda for Todays HL7 Canada Council Call 06/18/24

Hello everyone. The agenda for ...n is very simple. - Welcome and Agenda Review - CA FHIR Governance - Terms of Reference Progress Review - Other Business? The focus today is on our progress on update the HL7 Canada Council Terms of Refer...

HL7 Canada Council ToR Revisions Take 3 06/11/24

Hello there. Here is a ... to determine the best time and day for the next working session to revise the HL7 Canada Terms of Reference. HL7 Canada Council member, please select the spots in where you could be available. Thanks! Ron Parker,...

HL7 Canada Council ToR Revisions 06/05/24

Hello HL7 Canada Council Members. I am just catching up on the results of the Doodle poll, and June 6th at 11:00 AM Eastern gives us the best coverage for participation of Council Members. This meeting is open for persons interested in what w...

HL7 Canada Council ToR Review Doodle Poll 05/28/24

Hello all: I am hoping we can find a 1.5 hour slot this week and again next week to continue our adjustments to the HL7 Canada Terms of Reference. Please respond to ... for your availability. This is an open meeting and open poll. Thanks...

HL7 Canada International Voters - Vote on Reaffirmations and Retired Standards! 05/13/24

Hello HL7 Canada Council designated International Voters. Anil and I have successfully submitted comments and votes on the JIRA ballot items for May 2024. PLEASE REMEMBER to go to the HL7 Ballot Desktop, select the May 2024 Ballot, click on the...

Re-Re Booking HL7 Canada Council Review of HL7 Intl May Ballot Comments 05/10/24

Hey folks - just wanted to let you know that I'll joining today at 3:15-3:30pm ET for the review of ballot comments today.

Re-Re Booking HL7 Canada Council Review of HL7 Intl May Ballot Comments 05/09/24

I should be able to join. Is there an updated invite?

Re-Re Booking HL7 Canada Council Review of HL7 Intl May Ballot Comments 05/09/24

Hello Canada Council members - and Elliott We have pushed the ... Same coordinates as for Thursday, provided in the link above regardless. And if all else fails go to the Event Calendar for HL7 Canada Council. Elliott, I know you are a may...

HL7 Canada Council May 2024 Ballot Comments Review - New Date and time 05/08/24

Hi Ron, Although I was available at that time when I responded, I've since been booked. Sorry, I won't be able to join. (Although, I'm not strictly Council anyhow.) Elliot.

Revised Date for May 2024 HL7 Canada Council Call 05/08/24

Hello all: After reviewing the Doodle poll we can have everyone except Shannon on the Wednesday May 15th at 1:00 PM Eastern. ... The Main topic of this call will be a review of the HL7 Canada Terms of Reference. ... See you next Wednes...

HL7 Canada Council May 2024 Ballot Comments Review - New Date and time 05/08/24

Hello HL7 Canada Council: The Doodle poll has 4 out of 5 council members available at 3:00 PM Eastern on Thursday May 9th. .... Talk with you on Thursday . Ron P.

Additional Doodle Poll for Out of Cycle HL7 Canada Council Call 05/07/24

Hello HL7 Canada Council followers. ... we need to replace the existing scheduled one (due to conflicts with the HL7 Intl May WGM. Please note: I am specifying 90 minute blocks for this out-of-cycle meeting as we need to begin to review...

Doodle Poll for HL7 Intl May Ballot Comments Review 05/07/24

Hello HL7 Canada Council Members: ... to confirm the best time either this coming Thursday May 9th or Friday May 10th to review comments on the HL7 May Ballot items. Please let me know your preferences and I will adjust the currently defined Zo...

HL7 Canada Council May 2024 Ballot Comments Review 05/07/24

This works for me. Thanks so much Ron! Shannon O'Connor Manager, Data Standards, CIHI


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Note: Group members are not currently notified when new documents are added. To notify others, you must post the URL to the new document in the forum. (Notification of document uploads is a feature in development.)

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HL7 Canada Council Sept 2020 Ballot Voting Directions

Published on Sep 11, 2020 by Ron Parker

2020-01-21 HL7 Canada Council Meeting Agenda and Slides

Published on Jan 22, 2020 by Ron Parker

HL7 Canada Council Feb 2020 Ballot Voting Directions

Published on Jan 21, 2020 by Ron Parker

HL7 Canada Council Updated Terms of Reference Jan 2020

Published on Jan 21, 2020 by Ron Parker

Minutes from Jan 21st 2020 HL7 Canada Council Meeting

Published on Jan 21, 2020 by Ron Parker

Draft Update to HL7 Canada Council Terms of Reference

Published on Jan 20, 2020 by Ron Parker

HL7 May 2019 WGM Report

Published on May 16, 2019 by Ron Parker

Draft HL7 Canada Affiliate Agreement 2019-20

Published on Mar 15, 2019 by Ron Parker

HL7 Jan 2019 WGM Canada Affiliate Chair Report

Published on Jan 24, 2019 by Ron Parker

FHIR R4 Patient Resource Ballot Reconciliation Spreadsheet

Published on Oct 17, 2018 by Ron Parker

FHIR R4 Infrastructure Ballot Reconciliaton spreadsheet

Published on Oct 17, 2018 by Ron Parker

HL7 Sept 2018 Plenary and WGM Report

Published on Oct 17, 2018 by Ron Parker

HL7 Sept 2018 Ballot Voting Direction Spreadsheet

Published on Sep 19, 2018 by Ron Parker

HL7 2018 Fall WG Canada Items to Explore

Published on Aug 15, 2018 by Ron Parker

HL7 Canada Annual Report: 2017-18

Published on Jun 25, 2018 by Andrea MacLean

HL7 Canada Council Meeting - January 18, 2018

Published on Jan 19, 2018 by Melva Peters

HL7 Canada Council - Terms of Reference

Published on Dec 11, 2017 by Attila Farkas



Anil Patel
Picture of Anil Patel
Canada Health Infoway
Sadrina Petit
Picture of Sadrina Petit
Canada Health Infoway
Linda Monico
Picture of Linda Monico
Canada Health Infoway
Helen Wu
Picture of Helen Wu
Canada Health Infoway
Randy Nonay
Picture of Randy Nonay
Alberta Health
Edwin White Chacon
Picture of Edwin White Chacon
Tarek Kadoura
Picture of Tarek Kadoura
Canada Health Infoway
Joanie Harper
Picture of Joanie Harper
Canadian Institue for Health Information
Krista Balenko
Picture of Krista Balenko
Canada Health Infoway
Shannon O'Connor
Picture of Shannon O'Connor
Canadian Institute for Health Information
Ken Sinn
Picture of Ken Sinn
Canada Health Infoway
Elliot Silver
Picture of Elliot Silver
Argentix Informatics Inc.
Sheridan Cook
Picture of Sheridan Cook
Ron Parker
Picture of Ron Parker
Parker Digital Health Consulting Inc.
Joel Francis
Picture of Joel Francis
Canadian Pharmacists Association

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