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Pan-Canadian Clinician Community Network

Are you a clinician and a passionate digital health champion? Join this community to engage with like-minded peers and Infoway.
Members: 162
Contact: Linda Monico
Type: Open
Access: Public
Are you a clinician and a passionate digital health champion? Join this community to engage with like-minded peers and Infoway.


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IHE Radiology Technical Framework Supplements Published for Public Comment 02/21/25

Hi all, The IHE Radiology Technical Committee has published the following new and updated Technical Framework Supplements for public comment in the period from February 20 through March 24, 2025: Cross-Community Web-Based Image Access (XC-W...

Don't Miss the First Pan-Canadian Conference on Hospital at Home! 11/04/24

Hi all, Join the inaugural Canadian Hospital at Home Conference on November 13th, broadcasting live from the Malcolm Hotel in Canmore, Alberta. This hybrid event offers both in-person and virtual participation, featuring renowned experts from arou...

Telehealth group guidelines 10/28/24

Thank you. I will be looking into those documents with our team. Have a great day!

Lancement! Bourse pour les soins connectés destinée aux étudiants cliniciens 10/24/24

Inforoute Santé du Canada (Inforoute) est enchantée d’annoncer le lancement de la Bourse pour les soins connectés destinée aux étudiants cliniciens, qui vise à aider les étudiants souhaitant parfaire leurs connaissances en santé numérique! La Bou...

Just launched! Our Connected Care Clinical Student Scholarship 10/24/24

Canada Health Infoway (Infoway), is excited to announce the launch of the Connected Care Clinical Student Scholarship, aimed at supporting clinical students who are passionate about advancing their knowledge in digital health. Connected Care Clini...

Telehealth group guidelines 10/24/24

hi Pascale, Here are a few resources that describe group visits or interventions using virtual care (video visits) / telehealth: Hamilton Health Sciences (ON)

Telehealth group guidelines 10/08/24

Hello, we are looking to get documents with some guidelines or best practices when doing Group intervention by video meeting. Any help on this will be greatly appreciate! You can join me directly at [email protected] Than...

Connected Care Innovation Grant Recipients 10/07/24

Canada Health Infoway has awarded 10 clinical leaders across Canada with the Connected Care Innovation Grant, totaling more than $450,000, to advance grassroots clinical initiatives that focus on progressing digital health interoperability-related ef...

2024 National Survey of Canadian Physicians 09/20/24

Results for the 2024 National Survey of Canadian Physicians, led in partnership by Canada Health Infoway (CHI) and Canadian Medical Association (CMA), are now available. This survey aims to explore and track physicians' perspectives on the use an...

Final Survey Reminder 09/05/24

Hi pCCCN members, Just a final reminder to complete this short survey to help us understand how to improve your experience in learning more about interoperability. Google Forms survey link: Survey Monkey su...

Survey Reminder 08/29/24

Hi PCCCN members, Just a reminder to complete this short survey to help us understand how to improve your experience in learning more about interoperability. Google Forms survey link: Survey Monkey survey l...

Engaging with Interoperability Content 08/19/24

Infoway is looking to enhance how stakeholders learn about Infoway’s interoperability initiatives, status, timelines, access resources, express interest in participating, and link to additional resources including specifications and technical resour...

Patient Summary in Action - A real world example from the Southern Hemisphere 07/18/24

In previous posts, I've mentioned the Patient Summary activities that Canada Health Infoway, and Federal, Provincial, Territorial partners are working on, as part of the pan-Canadian Interoperability Roadmap. What might a Patient Summary implement...

Just Launched: Infoway Centre for Clinical Innovation in Digital Health 05/22/24

A Transformative Centre for Clinical Innovation I am proud to share today, Canada Health Infoway (Infoway) has launched the ... . Aligned to the strategic goals of the Shared Pan-Canadian Interoperability Roadmap, the CIDH aims to drive meaningful e...

The Future of Family Medicine - AI, Interoperability, and more ! 04/18/24

Hi Carl, Thanks for your message. You have hit upon one of the critical issues for certain AI applications in primary care, but more broadly in health care. We are living in an age of data informed medicine, but as you noted, if our foundation or...


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PAVC Project ( 7 Documents )


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Linda Monico
Picture of Linda Monico
Canada Health Infoway
Sree Roy
Picture of Sree Roy
Health Canada
Jo-Anne Hutsul
Picture of Jo-Anne Hutsul
Health Canada
Helen Wu
Picture of Helen Wu
Canada Health Infoway
dominique boston
Picture of dominique boston
Canada Health Infoway
Matthew Henschke
Picture of Matthew Henschke
Tetyana Maniuk
Picture of Tetyana Maniuk
Canadian institute for Health Information
Ian Bekker
Picture of Ian Bekker
Island health
Jaideep Patel
Picture of Jaideep Patel
Sameer Shaikh
Picture of Sameer Shaikh
Janice Spence
Picture of Janice Spence
Canada Health Infoway
Douglas Woodhouse
Picture of Douglas Woodhouse
University of Calgary
Robyn Mauro
Picture of Robyn Mauro
Center for Addiction and Mental Health
Sonia Pagliaroli
Picture of Sonia Pagliaroli
Oracle Cerner
Krista Balenko
Picture of Krista Balenko
Canada Health Infoway

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