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HL7 Canada

Keep up to date and get involved in the latest from the HL7 Canada Constituency, the HL7 Canada Council, pan-Canadian messaging standards, and HL7 International.
Members: 401
Contact: Anil Patel
Type: Open
Access: Public
Keep up to date and get involved in the latest from the HL7 Canada Constituency, the HL7 Canada Council, pan-Canadian messaging standards, and HL7 International.


What is the HL7 Canada Community?

The HL7 Canada Community is a place to share and learn about the use of HL7 related pan-Canadian health information standards. HL7 Canada promotes and supports the domestic and international harmonization of HL7 standards to enable the sharing of health information in Canada. HL7 Canada also ensures that consensus positions, advice and decisions are reached with appropriate consultation and in an open, transparent, and accountable manner without a preponderance of influence by any one stakeholder group.

This community is where requests to make changes to any of the pan-Canadian messages occur and where implementers come for OID requests in Canada or find Canadian OIDs in the HL7 OID Registry.

Canada is proud to have a thriving HL7 Canada Constituency and actively participates in HL7 Ballots.

To become a member of this community select Join Group in the Group Menu.


Ron G Parker,
Chair, HL7 Canada Affiliate
Co-Chair, HL7 International Council
Affiliate Director, HL7 International Board of Directors



Anil Patel added a document in HL7 Canada

Ballot, HL7, 2024, September

Anil Patel replied to a discussion in HL7 Canada

Hi Erez, Here is a link to the presentation PDF ... I am waiting for the video recording of the overview. Anil

Anil Patel replied to a discussion in HL7 Canada

Hi Erez, I have reached out to Coalition for Health AI (CHAI) for the recording and presentation. Anil

Erez Shenkerman replied to a discussion in HL7 Canada

Hi Anil, I, unfortunately, missed this webinar. By any chance, do you have a link to the recording? Cheers, Erez

Anil Patel replied to a discussion in HL7 Canada

Erik, Thank you. I will update the link in my posting Anil

Erik Uittien replied to a discussion in HL7 Canada

The link was not working, but you can use this one :


Upcoming events:

Tue Aug 06 @12:00PM - 01:00PM
HL7 Canada Community Monthly Call
Tue Sep 03 @12:00PM - 01:00PM
HL7 Canada Community Monthly Call
Tue Oct 01 @12:00PM - 01:00PM
HL7 Canada Community Monthly Call


Overview of the Coalition for Health AI (CHAI) 07/26/24

Thank you.

Overview of the Coalition for Health AI (CHAI) 07/26/24

Hi Erez, Here is a link to the presentation PDF ... I am waiting for the video recording of the overview. Anil

Overview of the Coalition for Health AI (CHAI) 07/23/24

Hi Erez, I have reached out to Coalition for Health AI (CHAI) for the recording and presentation. Anil

Overview of the Coalition for Health AI (CHAI) 07/22/24

Hi Anil, I, unfortunately, missed this webinar. By any chance, do you have a link to the recording? Cheers, Erez

Overview of the Coalition for Health AI (CHAI) 07/17/24

Erik, Thank you. I will update the link in my posting Anil

Overview of the Coalition for Health AI (CHAI) 07/17/24

The link was not working, but you can use this one :

Overview of the Coalition for Health AI (CHAI) 07/17/24

Investigating AI and its application in the healthcare industry is a top priority for HL7 in 2024. As part of HL7 Board-led AI initiative, HL7 has developed a strategic partnership with the Coalition for Health AI (CHAI), an organization dedicated to...

Overview of the Coalition for Health AI (CHAI) 07/17/24

Investigating AI and its application in the healthcare industry is a top priority for HL7 in 2024. As part of HL7 Board-led AI initiative, HL7 has developed a strategic partnership with the Coalition for Health AI (CHAI), an organization dedicated to...

New Terminology Server – Beta launch 07/17/24

Hello HL7 Canada members, Today, Infoway is excited to announce the beta launch of our new Terminology Server, marking a significant milestone in our ongoing commitment to enhancing healthcare interoperability across the nation. This new Termin...

HL7 FHIR DEV Days June 2024 Presentation 07/04/24

Great, I was able to find the one I was interested in. Thanks a lot!

HL7 FHIR DEV Days June 2024 Presentation 07/03/24

Hi Erik I have shared the PDF's for the sessions that I attended at ... Let me know which presentation you are interested in. The other attendees may have them Thank you Anil

ANSI certification expiration approaching: HL7 V3 Standard: Laboratory; Result 07/03/24

All, It would be critical to get feedback from the community on this subject before the end of day Friday, as the NIB deadline is July 7th. Regards, Yanick

HL7 FHIR DEV Days June 2024 Presentation 07/03/24

Hi Anil! Thanks a lot fo the share. I do not seem to be able to open the PDFs embedded in the powerpoint, but I would be interested in some of the presentations. Many thanks, Erik

HL7 FHIR DEV Days June 2024 Presentation 07/02/24

HL7 FHIR DEV Days June 2024 was a pivotal gathering for professionals dedicated to advancing healthcare interoperability through FHIR (Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources). Purpose of the Event The HL7 FHIR DEV Days aim to: Share the l...

Reminder - Todays (July 2nd) HL7 Canada Community Agenda 07/02/24

Hello everyone: Just a reminder that our monthly ... is today at Noon Eastern Time. Todays Agenda includes: Updates on pan-Canadian FHIR Specifications CA FHIR Baseline Updates FHIR Dev Days Report Out Update Review of HL7 Can...


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  • view the complete list of documents or documents grouped by folder
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Note: Group members are not currently notified when new documents are added. To notify others, you must post the URL to the new document in the forum. (Notification of document uploads is a feature in development.)

Manage documents You may need to login and/or be a member of the group to access this content.

Canadian Core Profiles ( 40 Documents )

Community Presentations ( 27 Documents )

FHIR DevDays ( 16 Documents )

HL7 Canada Council ( 62 Documents )

HL7 Reports ( 6 Documents )

Implementation ( 6 Documents )

Documents for implementers of HL7 v3. For context, see HL7 standards page.

Meeting Presentations ( 51 Documents )

Presentations relative to a specific HL7 Community meeting

OIDS ( 11 Documents )

Terminology ( 12 Documents )

HL7 International Ballot Sept 2024 New

Published on Jul 26, 2024 by Anil Patel

Identifier OID registration form for Ofys

Published on Jun 13, 2024 by Karine Fournier

Identifier OID Registration Form for Ava EMR

Published on Sep 28, 2023 by Prabhdeep Dhaliwal

HL7 Canada Affiliate Banner

Published on Aug 18, 2023 by Ron Parker

Telus Oid Request for CHR

Published on May 26, 2023 by sean vogel

OID Update for QC NAM_NIU

Published on Mar 21, 2022 by Joanie Harper

Identifier OID Registration Form OmniMed

Published on Aug 05, 2021 by Vania Granese

Identifier OID Registration Form_ShoppersDrugMart_Type4

Published on Oct 07, 2020 by Vania Granese

Identifier OID Registration Form for ATLAS Alliance

Published on Oct 04, 2020 by Vania Granese

Identifier OID Registration Form Aware MD

Published on Sep 03, 2020 by Vania Granese

HealthcareProviderRoleType Request August 2020

Published on Aug 19, 2020 by Anil Patel Long-Term Requirements and Guidelines

Published on Apr 07, 2020 by Joel Francis

Identifier OID Registration Form - QHR

Published on Mar 06, 2020 by Vania Granese

HealthcareProviderRoleType Feb 2020 Request

Published on Feb 28, 2020 by Anil Patel


A Collaborative Approach for Interoperability in Canada

Hello members of the HL7 Canada Council working group, If you were unable to attend Infoway's session on 'A Collaborative Approach to Interoperability in Canada' please find a recording of the presentation in the link below. Please feel free to contact us at: [email protected] if you have any questions. Sincerely, Interoperability Team

2023-04-18 Interoperability Roadmap and Ca-Core+

2023-04-18 Interoperability Roadmap and Ca-Core+



Anil Patel
Picture of Anil Patel
Canada Health Infoway
Sadrina Petit
Picture of Sadrina Petit
Canada Health Infoway
Linda Monico
Picture of Linda Monico
Canada Health Infoway
Natalie Schweizer
Picture of Natalie Schweizer
Northern Health Authority
Karine Fournier
Picture of Karine Fournier
Canada Health Infoway
Guillermo Reynoso
Picture of Guillermo Reynoso
termMed Terminology Service
Sanjin Sabljakovic
Picture of Sanjin Sabljakovic
Ontario Health
Irfan Hakim
Picture of Irfan Hakim
Misha Patel
Picture of Misha Patel
Yanick Gaudet
Picture of Yanick Gaudet
KLYG Solution
Madeleine Juneau
Picture of Madeleine Juneau
Marie-Chantal Ethier
Picture of Marie-Chantal Ethier
Laura Leaming
Picture of Laura Leaming
Alberta Health Services
Erica Withey
Picture of Erica Withey
Simon Minshall
Picture of Simon Minshall
University of Victoria

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