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HL7 Canada

Keep up to date and get involved in the latest from the HL7 Canada Constituency, the HL7 Canada Council, pan-Canadian messaging standards, and HL7 International. You can also get discount codes for HL7 events and education resources from the contact.
Membres: 428
Personne-ressource: Anil Patel
Administration: Sadrina Petit, Linda Monico
Type: Ouvert
Accès: Public
Keep up to date and get involved in the latest from the HL7 Canada Constituency, the HL7 Canada Council, pan-Canadian messaging standards, and HL7 International. You can also get discount codes for HL7 events and education resources from the contact.

À propos de nous

What is the HL7 Canada Community?

The HL7 Canada Community is a place to share and learn about the use of HL7 related pan-Canadian health information standards. HL7 Canada promotes and supports the domestic and international harmonization of HL7 standards to enable the sharing of health information in Canada. HL7 Canada also ensures that consensus positions, advice and decisions are reached with appropriate consultation and in an open, transparent, and accountable manner without a preponderance of influence by any one stakeholder group.

This community is where requests to make changes to any of the pan-Canadian messages occur and where implementers come for OID requests in Canada or find Canadian OIDs in the HL7 OID Registry.

Canada is proud to have a thriving HL7 Canada Constituency and actively participates in HL7 Ballots.

To become a member of this community select Join Group in the Group Menu.


Ron G Parker,
Chair, HL7 Canada Affiliate
Co-Chair, HL7 International Council
Affiliate Director, HL7 International Board of Directors



Christina Pinsonneault a lancé une nouvelle discussion dans le groupe HL7 Canada

Good afternoon.. I am writing on behalf of TELUS Health as we have a requirement for two new codes to be added for "Athletic Therapist" and “Sexologist” to HealthcareProviderRoleType in support of healthcare claims. Both Athletic Therapists and Sexologists are recognized roles today and are used in paper claims processing. We currently use HealthcareProviderRoleType" in our HL7v3 and FHIR claims messaging and will need these role codes added in order to process these claims electronically. Can you please add a value of "SXT" with a display value of "Sexologist" and "Sexologue" as the French display name. As a description, I would recommend the description from the L’Ordre professionnel des sexologues du Québec as follows: "Sexologists assess people's sexual behavior and development in order to improve, maintain and restore their sexual health." Can you please add a value of "AT" with a display value of "Athletic Therapist" and "Thérapeute Sportif" as the French display name. As a description, I would recommend the description from the Canadian Athletic Therapists Association as follows: " Certified Athletic Therapists are best known for their quick-thinking on-field emergency care of professional and elite athletes. The first to respond when someone gets hurt, they are experts at injury assessment and rehabilitation. It’s that same mix of on-site care and active rehabilitation skills that makes Athletic Therapists so effective in treating the musculoskeletal (muscles, bones, and joints) injuries of all Canadians, whether on the field or in the clinic. Athletic therapists adhere to the Sports Medicine Model of care. They treat a wide range of patients, from kids with concussions to seniors recovering from hip replacement surgery, using various manual therapies, modalities, exercise prescription and even bracing and taping. The treatment varies but the objective doesn’t: an Athletic Therapist's goal is to help clients return to their usual activities, whether that means playing competitive sports or walking to the mailbox and back.” If you would like more information on this role, here is a reference to the associations that recognize these roles, and . JIRA case is SR-605. Many thanks, Christina Pinsonneault

Christina Pinsonneault s'est joint(e) à un groupe

HL7 Canada Logo
Keep up to date and get involved in the latest from the HL7 Canada Constituency, the HL7 Canada Council, pan-Canadian messaging standards, and HL7 International. You can also get discount codes for HL7 events and education resources from the contact.

Helen Wu a lancé une nouvelle discussion dans le groupe HL7 Canada

Hi HL7 Canada members, Infoway will continue to co-ordinate the Affiliate Agreement with HL7 International on behalf of Canada. For those individuals or organizations that require access to, or licenses associated with content managed by HL7 International, the renewal period is now open. Individuals or organizations that require licenses to content owned by HL7 International or desire to participate in working groups or ballots with HL7 International are encouraged to renew their HL7 Canada Affiliate access. To ensure the continuity of your HL7 Canada Affiliate access, please make a payment prior to April 1, 2025 for the 2025-2026 year period. To renew or register: 1. login to your Infoway Account on InfoCentral - if you don't have an Infoway Account, ... first 2. click on your username in the top right of the grey bar to open your user profile 3. go to the ... and submit the form and payment. Accounts that have not been renewed will revert to that of an InfoCentral user on April 8, 2025. If you do not currently have HL7 Canada Affiliate access, you can register by following the steps above. To learn more about access to pan-Canadian standards, solutions, and HL7 International standards access, please visit the ... on InfoCentral. For more information on accessing standards, please .... Thank you,

David Cumming s'est joint(e) à un groupe

HL7 Canada Logo
Keep up to date and get involved in the latest from the HL7 Canada Constituency, the HL7 Canada Council, pan-Canadian messaging standards, and HL7 International. You can also get discount codes for HL7 events and education resources from the contact.

Joanie Harper a répondu au cours d'une discussion dans le groupe HL7 Canada

Thanks Lorraine, I was trying to join and about to start sending messages.

Lorraine Constable a lancé une nouvelle discussion dans le groupe HL7 Canada

Council Members, Unfortunately, I just received a message from Ron that he is stuck in an airport on the way home and unable to host the call. A reschedule notice will come out as soon as possible after Ron is back in the office. Regards, Lorraine Constable

GUNJAN CHOPRA s'est joint(e) à un groupe

HL7 Canada Logo
Keep up to date and get involved in the latest from the HL7 Canada Constituency, the HL7 Canada Council, pan-Canadian messaging standards, and HL7 International. You can also get discount codes for HL7 events and education resources from the contact.


Événements à venir :

Mar Avr 01 @12:00PM - 01:00PM
HL7 Canada Community Monthly Call
Mar Mai 06 @12:00PM - 01:00PM
HL7 Canada Community Monthly Call
Mar Jui 03 @12:00PM - 01:00PM
HL7 Canada Community Monthly Call


New Athletic Therapist and Sexologist Roles - HealthcareProviderRoleType 03/04/25

Good afternoon.. I am writing on behalf of TELUS Health as we have a requirement for two new codes to be added for "Athletic Therapist" and “Sexologist” to HealthcareProviderRoleType in support of healthcare claims. Both Athletic Therapists and Sexo...

Renew Today: HL7 Canada Affiliate Access 03/03/25

Hi HL7 Canada members, Infoway will continue to co-ordinate the Affiliate Agreement with HL7 International on behalf of Canada. For those individuals or organizations that require access to, or licenses associated with content managed by HL7...

Today's Canada Council call is canceled 02/18/25

Thanks Lorraine, I was trying to join and about to start sending messages.

Today's Canada Council call is canceled 02/18/25

Council Members, Unfortunately, I just received a message from Ron that he is stuck in an airport on the way home and unable to host the call. A reschedule notice will come out as soon as possible after Ron is back in the office. Regards, L...

Join Us at the 2025 May WGM & HL7 FHIR Connectathon in Madrid, Spain! 02/13/25

Hi HL7 Canada Community Members, The HL7 International WGM event is an opportunity for the HL7 community to meet face-to-face to collaborate on standards and participate in education and training on HL7 standards in an international setting. Canad...

HL7 Canada Council Election 2025 Results 02/13/25

Hi HL7 Canada Community Members, We are pleased to announce the results of the recent ... election. Please join us in congratulating: Elliot Silver as the Private Sector Member-at-Large Shannon O’Connor as the Public Sector Member-at-Lar...

HL7 Canada Affiliate Access Renewals begin March 1 02/05/25

Hi all, Infoway continues to encourage the increased use of e-health standards and standards-based materials. Standards enable the thousands of health care providers across the country to communicate and share health information in a consistent, s...

Terminology Server - Enhancements to OntoCommand are coming soon! 01/22/25

We are collaborating with our vendor partners to enhance the Terminology Server, focusing on improving usability by offering seamless access to terminology content in your preferred formats. As we approach the launch, these updates—shaped by your inv...

HL7 International v2-FHIR IG Pre-Pub Review 01/21/25

All, I believe some in the community might be interested in the International work mapping v2 to FHIR. This work has been through extensive balloting and is preparing for Publication. The pre-publication review period is currently open. See bel...

Notification: Additional Terminologies Subset Inactivation 01/16/25

Dear Stakeholders, Canada Health Infoway has reviewed the storage, distribution, and maintenance of Additional Terminology artifacts on the Terminology Gateway as part of the transition to the new FHIR compliant terminology server (TS). Following...

Edit Name for College of Registered Nurses of Alberta 01/15/25

Thanks for the quick response Randy.

Edit Name for College of Registered Nurses of Alberta 01/14/25

Following consultation with Alberta Registries, the name and description of this OID have been updated to remove "and Association". For future reference, the instructions page (

Edit Name for College of Registered Nurses of Alberta 01/14/25

Also, looking at the submitted excel sheet, the information in it is not correct and should not be used. Alberta maintains all of our OID details. Infoway must not edit any Alberta provincial assets. Thanks!

Edit Name for College of Registered Nurses of Alberta 01/14/25

Also, if you did try to use the submitter information to contact, you will find that most submitter emails are no longer valid, as the people responsible at the time are no longer with Alberta Health. Always use the Contact Information instead of the...

Edit Name for College of Registered Nurses of Alberta 01/14/25

Hi, This is not the appropriate pathway for updating Alberta OIDS. They must go through the Alberta Provincial OID Registry Team. Attached to the OID information int he registry is the existing contact information - [email protected] to which...


Cliquez sur « Gérer des documents » pour :

  • voir la liste complète des documents ou les dossiers regroupant les documents
  • téléverser un nouveau document

N. B. : Les membres des groupes ne sont actuellement pas avisés de l'ajout d'un nouveau document. Pour aviser d'autres membres, vous devez en afficher l'adresse électronique dans le forum. (La fonction d'avis de téléversement des nouveaux documents est en préparation.)

Gérer des documents Vous devez peut-être ouvrir une session et/ou être déjà membre du groupe pour accéder à ce contenu.

FHIR DevDays ( 0 Document )

HL7 Canada Council ( 1 Document )

HL7 Reports ( 0 Document )

Implementation ( 0 Document )

Documents for implementers of HL7 v3. For context, see HL7 standards page.

Meeting Presentations ( 5 Documents )

Presentations relative to a specific HL7 Community meeting

OIDS ( 0 Document )

Terminology ( 0 Document )


A Collaborative Approach for Interoperability in Canada

Hello members of the HL7 Canada Council working group, If you were unable to attend Infoway's session on 'A Collaborative Approach to Interoperability in Canada' please find a recording of the presentation in the link below. Please feel free to contact us at: [email protected] if you have any questions. Sincerely, Interoperability Team

2023-04-18 Interoperability Roadmap and Ca-Core+

2023-04-18 Interoperability Roadmap and Ca-Core+



Anil Patel
Photo de Anil Patel
Canada Health Infoway
Sadrina Petit
Photo de Sadrina Petit
Canada Health Infoway
Linda Monico
Photo de Linda Monico
Canada Health Infoway
Christina Pinsonneault
Photo de Christina Pinsonneault
David Cumming
Photo de David Cumming
Canada Health Infoway
Eastern College
Emilie Brisson
Photo de Emilie Brisson
Santé Québec
Danielle-Marie Lemieux
Photo de Danielle-Marie Lemieux
Vincent Lee
Photo de Vincent Lee
Canada Health Infoway
Vanessa Bui
Photo de Vanessa Bui
University of Toronto
Michael Joy
Photo de Michael Joy
Blackcurrant Software
Carlene Williams
Photo de Carlene Williams
Chris LeMesurier
Photo de Chris LeMesurier
Government of NB
Chris Weadick
Photo de Chris Weadick
Government of NB
Ryan Laming
Photo de Ryan Laming
Cornwall Community Hospital

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