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Sex and Gender

Canadians working together to modernize Canada’s sex and gender information practices in digital health.
Membres: 148
Personne-ressource: Joanie Harper
Type: Ouvert
Accès: Public
Canadians working together to modernize Canada’s sex and gender information practices in digital health.

À propos de nous

Infoway Sex and Gender Working Group

Infoway's Sex-Gender Working Group (SGWG) has been convening since 2019 to modernize gender, sex and sexual orientation (GSSO) information practices in Canada. Meetings are held on the fourth Tuesday of each month at 12 ET / 9 PT for one hour.

The SGWG was established with the support and participation of Canada Health Infoway, the Canadian Institute for Health Information, the Candian Health Information Management Association, the University of Victoria, Canadian jurisdictions such as Nova Scotia, British Columbia, Ontario and many others. Since then, we have grown to well over 100 registrants who continue this work through regular collaboration, research and discussion.

In early 2021, the SGWG produced "A Proposed Action Plan to Modernize Gender, Sex and Sexual Orientation Practices in Canadian EHRs" which lists seven primary aims. These aims form the foundation for this ongoing work.

Bring your knowledge and experience to this working group to develop an implementation strategy to modernize sex and gender information practices in EHR systems in Canada.

Additional details:

  • Meeting notes and documentation can be found in the Documents folder.
  • Registration is required for this working group, and registration is valid for all future sessions.
  • A draft agenda will be posted to the group forum about five days in advance of the meeting.
  • Please register for an InfoCentral account and subscribe to receive notifications from the forum and other group activities.

*Note: Group icon represents different sex and gender identities but is not inclusive.


Kelly Davison a lancé une nouvelle discussion dans le groupe Sex and Gender

You are invited to participate in a study titled Championing the use of Digital Research Infrastructure amongst nursing researchers in Canada: Sex-Gender Digital Health Equity Research Hub proof of concept and knowledge dissemination to national nursing associations that is being conducted by Kelly Davison. In this project, we are developing the gender, sex and sexual orientation (GSSO) Digital Health Hub. Why? This work has been initiated by researchers from the University of Victoria Digital Health Equity Group in response to Action 7 of the ... to Modernize Gender, Sex and Sexual Orientation Practices in Canadian Electronic Health Records (2021). Kelly Davison, RN, CTSS is leading the project. Professor Karen Courtney, PhD, is supervising the research component. Who can participate? This is a collaborative project aimed at advancing equity-oriented digital health systems and standards and will require diverse voices. We particularly encourage participation from equity-deserving groups such as Indigenous Peoples, 2SLGBTQQIA+ individuals, and women, in addition to digital health standards experts, researchers, allies, and healthcare providers. What can I expect? You are invited to a series of three 55-minute community dialogue/Hub development sessions held at 12 PT/3 ET on March 12th, 14th and 17th, 2025 with members of the GSSO standards community. You may attend one, two or all three of the sessions. During these sessions, you will help co-develop the GSSO Digital Health Hub while learning about open science tools and resources, open tooling, and Digital Research Alliance of Canada Digital Research Infrastructure. Honouraria will not be provided. Thank you for considering this opportunity to help create a more inclusive and equitable digital health ecosystem. I look forward to the possibility of working with you on this important initiative. Should you wish to participate, please register using the link below or email Kelly Davison at [email protected] to receive additional information. Warm regards, Kelly Davison RN, CTSS Here is the registration link:

Karen Courtney a lancé une nouvelle discussion dans le groupe Sex and Gender

Hi Folks, A gentle reminder that our next meeting will be held at 0900 PT/Noon ET on February 25, 2025. Here is the draft agenda: 1. Welcome and Land Acknowledgement 2. Ground rules for respectful dialogue 3. Purpose of Infoway Sex and Gender Working Group 4.BC GSSO January release update 5. Schedule Review 6. Adjournment Please send any agenda requests to Kelly at [email protected], Karen at [email protected] or Shannon at [email protected]. If you are new to the SGWG, please use this link to register: Also, please note our guidelines for respectful dialogue. - Express disagreement with ideas not personalities - Share airtime - Stay on topic - connect to what others have said - Understand & learn from each other - We are all equal. Leave rank at the door - Listen respectfully especially when you disagree. Acknowledge you have heard the others - Look for common ground - Identify & test assumptions Thanks! Karen


Événements à venir :

Mar Mar 25 @12:00PM - 01:00PM
Sex-Gender Working Group
Mar Avr 22 @12:00PM - 01:00PM
Sex-Gender Working Group
Mar Mai 27 @12:00PM - 01:00PM
Sex-Gender Working Group


Invitation to Participate in Developing the GSSO Digital Health Hub 03/03/25

You are invited to participate in a study titled Championing the use of Digital Research Infrastructure amongst nursing researchers in Canada: Sex-Gender Digital Health Equity Research Hub proof of concept and knowledge dissemination to national nurs...

SGWG February 25, 2025 Meeting at 9a PT/Noon ET 02/20/25

Hi Folks, A gentle reminder that our next meeting will be held at 0900 PT/Noon ET on February 25, 2025. Here is the draft agenda: 1. Welcome and Land Acknowledgement 2. Ground rules for respectful dialogue 3. Purpose of Infoway Sex and Gende...

Research Opportunity 02/03/25

Hi - I'm forwarding Morgan's message about a current opportunity for research participation. Please contact Morgan directly with any questions. Thanks! Karen Dear researchers, Beyond the Binary: Gender Diversity in cancer health serv...

SGWG January 28, 2025 Meeting at 9 PT/12 ET 02/01/25

Hi Folks, The slide decks from this month's meeting are not posted to the Documents folder here. Thank you for your continued participation! Kelly

SGWG January 28, 2025 Meeting at 9 PT/12 ET 01/24/25

Hi Folks, A gentle reminder that our first meeting of 2025 will be held at 0900 TB on January 28, 2025. Here is the draft agenda: 1. Welcome and Land Acknowledgement 2. Ground rules for respectful dialogue 3. Purpose of Infoway Sex and Ge...

SGWG November 26 2024 Meeting @ 9 am Pacific/Noon Eastern 11/27/24

Hi Folks, The slide decks and notes for this meeting have been posted to the SGWG documents folder at the following link: Many thanks for your ongoing attendance and participation....

SGWG November 26 2024 Meeting @ 9 am Pacific/Noon Eastern 11/26/24

Thanks Charlene. This has been added to the agenda. Best, Kelly

SGWG November 26 2024 Meeting @ 9 am Pacific/Noon Eastern 11/25/24

Hello, The B.C. Ministry of Health has been working on developing Negative Experience concepts for the GSSO Standard & Guide update and will be presenting the draft concepts for feedback on the Nov. 26th SGWG. Looking forward to tomorrow's meeting...

SGWG November 26 2024 Meeting @ 9 am Pacific/Noon Eastern 11/21/24

A gentle reminder about the SGWG meeting on November 26, 2024 at 12 ET / 9 PT. Here is the draft agenda: 1. Welcome and Land Acknowledgement 2. Ground rules for respectful dialogue 3. Purpose of Infoway Sex and Gender Working Group 4. Kelly...

SGWG Meeting October 22, 2024 @ 12 ET/ 9 PT 11/13/24

Hi Folks, The slide decks and notes for this meeting have been posted to the SGWG documents folder at the following link: Many thanks for your ongoing attendance and participation....

SGWG Meeting October 22, 2024 @ 12 ET/ 9 PT 10/18/24

A gentle reminder about the SGWG meeting on October 22, 2024 at 12 ET / 9 PT. Here is the draft agenda: 1. Welcome and Land Acknowledgement 2. Ground rules for respectful dialogue 3. Purpose of Infoway Sex and Gender Working Group 4. Kelly D...

Launch of the Pan-Canadian Health Data Content Framework and CACDI 10/01/24

CIHI wants to hear from you! We are pleased to announce the launch of the: 1) Draft Pan-Canadian Health Data Content Framework Version 1, September 2024 2) Draft CACDI Version 1, September 2024, aligned with CA Core+ v0.3.0 and 3) Open R...

SGWG Meeting September 24, 2024 @ 12 ET/ 9 PT 09/18/24

Hi Folks, A gentle reminder about the SGWG meeting on September 24, 2024 at 12 ET / 9 PT. Here is the draft agenda: 1. Welcome and Land Acknowledgement 2. Ground rules for respectful dialogue 3. Purpose of Infoway Sex and Gender Working Gr...

Final Survey Reminder 09/05/24

Hi Sex and Gender members, Just a final reminder to complete this short survey to help us understand how to improve your experience in learning more about interoperability. Google Forms survey link: Survey...

Engaging with Interoperability Content 08/29/24

Infoway is looking to enhance how stakeholders learn about Infoway’s interoperability initiatives, status, timelines, access resources, express interest in participating, and link to additional resources including specifications and technical resour...


Cliquez sur « Gérer des documents » pour :

  • voir la liste complète des documents ou les dossiers regroupant les documents
  • téléverser un nouveau document

N. B. : Les membres des groupes ne sont actuellement pas avisés de l'ajout d'un nouveau document. Pour aviser d'autres membres, vous devez en afficher l'adresse électronique dans le forum. (La fonction d'avis de téléversement des nouveaux documents est en préparation.)

Gérer des documents Vous devez peut-être ouvrir une session et/ou être déjà membre du groupe pour accéder à ce contenu.

2020 Sessions ( 0 Document )

2021 Sessions ( 0 Document )

2022 Sessions ( 0 Document )

2023 Sessions ( 0 Document )

2024 Sessions ( 0 Document )

2025 Sessions ( 0 Document )

Action Plan ( 1 Document )

ISO Documents ( 0 Document )

This folder holds working and in-progress research and documentation which outlines outdated GSSO content that is considered harmful.

MSFHR REACH Project ( 0 Document )

Working Documents ( 0 Document )


Ce groupe n'a pas de video.


Joanie Harper
Photo de Joanie Harper
Canadian Institue for Health Information
Kelly Davison
Photo de Kelly Davison
University of Victoria
Karen Courtney
Photo de Karen Courtney
University of Victoria
Linda Monico
Photo de Linda Monico
Canada Health Infoway
Francis Lau
Photo de Francis Lau
University of Victoria
Diana Ridgeway
Photo de Diana Ridgeway
Canadian Institute for Health Information
Sree Roy
Photo de Sree Roy
Health Canada
Kristie Gordon
Photo de Kristie Gordon
GNB Social Development
Xavier Hartley
Photo de Xavier Hartley
IWK Health
Philippe Brown
Photo de Philippe Brown
Hamilton Trans Health Coalition
Jennifer Lawson
Photo de Jennifer Lawson
Canadian Institute for Health Information
Jordan Zarvie
Photo de Jordan Zarvie
Nova Scotia Health
Taylor Hughes
Photo de Taylor Hughes
University of Calgary
Charlene Lam
Photo de Charlene Lam
BC Ministry of Health
Lisa McKenzie
Photo de Lisa McKenzie
Canadian College of Health Information Management (CCHIM)

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