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International Organization for Standardization (ISO)

Collaborate on topics with ISO/TC215, the ISO Technical Committee (TC) on Health Informatics and SC1 Global Health and Genomic Informatics.
Membres: 160
Personne-ressource: Sari Schapira
Type: Ouvert
Accès: Public
Collaborate on topics with ISO/TC215, the ISO Technical Committee (TC) on Health Informatics and SC1 Global Health and Genomic Informatics.

À propos de nous

Keep up to date and collaborate on topics with ISO TC215, the ISO Technical Committee (TC) and SC1 Global Health and Genomic Informatics. To become a member of this community select Join Group in the Group Menu. If you have an idea for a community, working group or project that will drive interoperability forward, let us know! Send us your suggestions.

For more information please visit here. For access to ISO TC215 Delegation Profiles visit here.

The ISO community currently has two areas of focus:

ISO/TC215 Health Informatics

ISO/TC215 enables standardization in the field of health informatics to facilitate the capture, interchange and use of health related data, information and knowledge to support and enable all aspects of the health system.

The ISO/TC215 community is structured through working groups that deliver standards in the following priority health infostructures and domains:

  • Architecture, Frameworks and Models (WG1)
  • Systems and Device Interoperability (WG2)
  • Semantic Content (WG3)
  • Security, Safety and Privacy (WG4)
  • Pharmacy and Medicines Business (WG6)
  • Safe, effective and secure health software and health IT systems, including those incorporating medical devices (JWG7)

Canada is proud to have a thriving ISO TC215 Canadian Constituency and actively participates in ISO TC215 ballots and standards development, through this community and the Canadian Mirror Committee of ISO TC215

For more information on the Canadian Mirror Committee of ISO TC215, contact the leaders below:


Elizabeth Keller, ISO/TC 215 Mirror Committee Chair & Head of Delegation (Canada), also Amazon Web Services, Business Development Healthcare Canada

Beverly Knight, ISO/TC 215 Mirror Committee Vice-Chair and WG3 Vice-Convenor

Finnie Flores, ISO/TC 215 Mirror Committee Vice-Chair, also Program Lead, CGI

Sari Schapira, ISO/TC215 Secretariat Support Canada Health Infoway

ISO/TC215 Subcommittee 1: SC1 Genomics Informatics

The Genomics Informatics Subcommittee enables TC 215 to offer a more focused program of international standardization for omics data, information and associated knowledge to support improvements in clinical care, population health, precision medicine and clinical research. This Standards Council of Canada SC1 Mirror Committee provides the coordination, communications, work item commenting, balloting and voting for Genomics Informatics standards.


Standardization of computable data, information, and knowledge, including their representation and metadata, for the application of omics, including but not limited to genomics, phenomics and proteomics, to support human health and clinical research.

What are ISO subcommittees?

ISO/TC215 launched its first Subcommittee in the fall of 2019: SC1 Genomics Informatics. Subcommittees in ISO are a key structure for delivering standards and are formed within and aligned to the parent committee, which for SC1 is the ISO/Technical Committee 215 - Health Informatics. Subcommittees identify, develop, ballot and publish standards for a domain of interest that is within the domain of the parent committee.

For more information on the Canadian Mirror Committee of ISO TC215/SC1, contact the leaders below:


Grant Gillis, ISO/TC215 SC1 Mirror Committee Chair and Head of SC1 Delegation, Director, Provincial Strategic Intiatives, HIM, Alberta Health Services

Don Newsham, ISO/TC215 SC1 Mirror Committee Administrator


Carl Severson s'est joint(e) à un groupe

International Organization for Standardization (ISO) Logo
Collaborate on topics with ISO/TC215, the ISO Technical Committee (TC) on Health Informatics and SC1 Global Health and Genomic Informatics.

Odile Williams s'est joint(e) à un groupe

International Organization for Standardization (ISO) Logo
Collaborate on topics with ISO/TC215, the ISO Technical Committee (TC) on Health Informatics and SC1 Global Health and Genomic Informatics.


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Sari Schapira
Photo de Sari Schapira
Canada Health Infoway
Beverly Knight
Photo de Beverly Knight
BGK Consulting
Elizabeth Keller
Photo de Elizabeth Keller
Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Linda Monico
Photo de Linda Monico
Canada Health Infoway
Carl Severson
Photo de Carl Severson
Odile Williams
Photo de Odile Williams
Sree Roy
Photo de Sree Roy
Health Canada
Vaishali Sharma
Photo de Vaishali Sharma
Vancouver Island Health Authority
Ryan Laming
Photo de Ryan Laming
Cornwall Community Hospital
Dennis Lee
Photo de Dennis Lee
University of Victoria
Kris Gray
Photo de Kris Gray
Alberta Health Services
Ben Edgar
Photo de Ben Edgar
Shoneth McBeath
Photo de Shoneth McBeath
Marcia Jeffers
Photo de Marcia Jeffers
Centre for Distance Education
Jo-Anne Hutsul
Photo de Jo-Anne Hutsul
Health Canada

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