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Building Blocks

Membres: 105
Personne-ressource: Dean Matthews
Type: Ouvert
Accès: Public

À propos de nous

This working group will focus on the identification and development of the Interoperability specifications that support the building blocks as described in the Pan-Canadian Interoperability Roadmap.


Sadrina Petit a créé un événement dans le groupe Building Blocks

Building Blocks Working Group Session
Jeudi, Mai 01, 2025 01:00pm - 02:00pm

Hello Building Blocks Working Group, Please join us for the Building Blocks Working Group session. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 840 9614 2669Passcode: 131321 --- One tap mobile+12042727920,,84096142669# Canada+14388097799,,84096142669# Canada --- Dial by your location• +1 204 272 7920 Canada• +1 438 809 7799 Canada• +1 587 328 1099 Canada• +1 647 374 4685 Canada• +1 647 558 0588 Canada• +1 778 907 2071 Canada• +1 780 666 0144 Canada• 855 703 8985 Canada Toll-free• +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)• +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)• +1 360 209 5623 US• +1 386 347 5053 US• +1 507 473 4847 US• +1 564 217 2000 US• +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)• +1 646 931 3860 US• +1 669 444 9171 US• +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)• +1 689 278 1000 US• +1 719 359 4580 US• +1 253 205 0468 US• +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)• +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)• +1 305 224 1968 US• +1 309 205 3325 US• 877 853 5257 US Toll-free• 855 880 1246 US Toll-free Meeting ID: 840 9614 2669 Find your local number:

Sadrina Petit a créé un événement dans le groupe Building Blocks

Building Blocks Working Group Session
Jeudi, Avril 17, 2025 01:00pm - 02:00pm

Hello Building Blocks Working Group, Please join us for the Building Blocks Working Group session. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 863 6523 0089Passcode: 639556 --- One tap mobile+15873281099,,86365230089# Canada+16473744685,,86365230089# Canada --- Dial by your location• +1 587 328 1099 Canada• +1 647 374 4685 Canada• +1 647 558 0588 Canada• +1 778 907 2071 Canada• +1 780 666 0144 Canada• +1 204 272 7920 Canada• +1 438 809 7799 Canada• 855 703 8985 Canada Toll-free• +1 646 931 3860 US• +1 669 444 9171 US• +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)• +1 689 278 1000 US• +1 719 359 4580 US• +1 253 205 0468 US• +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)• +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)• +1 305 224 1968 US• +1 309 205 3325 US• +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)• +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)• +1 360 209 5623 US• +1 386 347 5053 US• +1 507 473 4847 US• +1 564 217 2000 US• +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)• 877 853 5257 US Toll-free• 855 880 1246 US Toll-free Meeting ID: 863 6523 0089 Find your local number:

Sadrina Petit a créé un événement dans le groupe Building Blocks

Building Blocks Working Group Session
Jeudi, Avril 03, 2025 01:00pm - 02:00pm

Hello Building Blocks Working Group, Please join us for the Building Blocks Working Group session. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 895 4682 5093Passcode: 254243 --- One tap mobile+15873281099,,89546825093# Canada+16473744685,,89546825093# Canada --- Dial by your location• +1 587 328 1099 Canada• +1 647 374 4685 Canada• +1 647 558 0588 Canada• +1 778 907 2071 Canada• +1 780 666 0144 Canada• +1 204 272 7920 Canada• +1 438 809 7799 Canada• 855 703 8985 Canada Toll-free• +1 360 209 5623 US• +1 386 347 5053 US• +1 507 473 4847 US• +1 564 217 2000 US• +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)• +1 646 931 3860 US• +1 669 444 9171 US• +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)• +1 689 278 1000 US• +1 719 359 4580 US• +1 253 205 0468 US• +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)• +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)• +1 305 224 1968 US• +1 309 205 3325 US• +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)• +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)• 877 853 5257 US Toll-free• 855 880 1246 US Toll-free Meeting ID: 895 4682 5093 Find your local number:

Sadrina Petit a créé un événement dans le groupe Building Blocks

Building Blocks Working Group Session
Jeudi, Mars 20, 2025 01:00pm - 02:00pm

Hello Building Blocks Working Group, Please join us for the Building Blocks Working Group session. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 859 9377 7853Passcode: 502033 --- One tap mobile+16473744685,,85993777853# Canada+16475580588,,85993777853# Canada --- Dial by your location• +1 647 374 4685 Canada• +1 647 558 0588 Canada• +1 778 907 2071 Canada• +1 780 666 0144 Canada• +1 204 272 7920 Canada• +1 438 809 7799 Canada• +1 587 328 1099 Canada• 855 703 8985 Canada Toll-free• +1 309 205 3325 US• +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)• +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)• +1 360 209 5623 US• +1 386 347 5053 US• +1 507 473 4847 US• +1 564 217 2000 US• +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)• +1 646 931 3860 US• +1 669 444 9171 US• +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)• +1 689 278 1000 US• +1 719 359 4580 US• +1 253 205 0468 US• +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)• +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)• +1 305 224 1968 US• 877 853 5257 US Toll-free• 855 880 1246 US Toll-free Meeting ID: 859 9377 7853 Find your local number:

Sadrina Petit a créé un événement dans le groupe Building Blocks

Building Blocks Working Group Session
Jeudi, Mars 06, 2025 01:00pm - 02:00pm

Hello Building Blocks Working Group, Please join us for the Building Blocks Working Group session. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 878 2477 5932Passcode: 019286 --- One tap mobile+15873281099,,87824775932# Canada+16473744685,,87824775932# Canada --- Dial by your location• +1 587 328 1099 Canada• +1 647 374 4685 Canada• +1 647 558 0588 Canada• +1 778 907 2071 Canada• +1 780 666 0144 Canada• +1 204 272 7920 Canada• +1 438 809 7799 Canada• 855 703 8985 Canada Toll-free• +1 689 278 1000 US• +1 719 359 4580 US• +1 253 205 0468 US• +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)• +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)• +1 305 224 1968 US• +1 309 205 3325 US• +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)• +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)• +1 360 209 5623 US• +1 386 347 5053 US• +1 507 473 4847 US• +1 564 217 2000 US• +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)• +1 646 931 3860 US• +1 669 444 9171 US• +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)• 855 880 1246 US Toll-free• 877 853 5257 US Toll-free Meeting ID: 878 2477 5932 Find your local number:

David Cumming s'est joint(e) à un groupe

Mike Copp s'est joint(e) à un groupe


Événements à venir :

Jeu Mar 06 @ 1:00PM - 02:00PM
Building Blocks Working Group Session
Jeu Mar 20 @ 1:00PM - 02:00PM
Building Blocks Working Group Session
Jeu Avr 03 @ 1:00PM - 02:00PM
Building Blocks Working Group Session


Ce groupe n'a pas de message.


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N. B. : Les membres des groupes ne sont actuellement pas avisés de l'ajout d'un nouveau document. Pour aviser d'autres membres, vous devez en afficher l'adresse électronique dans le forum. (La fonction d'avis de téléversement des nouveaux documents est en préparation.)

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Dean Matthews
Photo de Dean Matthews
Canada Health Infoway
Sadrina Petit
Photo de Sadrina Petit
Canada Health Infoway
Bo Yang
Photo de Bo Yang
Canada Health Infoway
Sangita Nadarajah
Photo de Sangita Nadarajah
Canada Health Infoway
David Cumming
Photo de David Cumming
Canada Health Infoway
Mike Copp
Photo de Mike Copp
Jordan Schroecker
Photo de Jordan Schroecker
Venuiti Healthare
Ritu Bhardwaj
Photo de Ritu Bhardwaj
Canada Health Infoway
Ann-Marie Westgate
Photo de Ann-Marie Westgate
Canada Health Infoway
Chris Ling
Photo de Chris Ling
Public Health Agency of Canada
Camille Estival
Photo de Camille Estival
DocSplain AI
Brian Lefebvre
Photo de Brian Lefebvre
First Nations Digital Health Ontario (FNDHO)
Olivier Garand
Photo de Olivier Garand
Hamideh Nasseh
Photo de Hamideh Nasseh

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