La période de renouvellement de l’accès au contenu d’HL7 Canada pour 2025-2026 est commencée. Veuillez renouveler votre accès d’ici le 1 avril 2025. En savoir plus >

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Les communautés procurent à leurs membres la possibilité de collaborer et de communiquer de façon continue avec leurs pairs sur des aspects de l’interopérabilité qui les intéressent. Elles favorisent une participation ouverte et inclusive et encouragent l’expression de points de vue diversifiés.

Les communautés sont l’endroit idéal où échanger des nouvelles, assister à des séances éducatives, entrer en relation avec des experts, tenir des réunions, partager les leçons tirées d’une expérience ou encore trouver des documents, récents ou anciens, qui répondent à vos besoins.

Types de communautés

Les communautés peuvent être propres à un domaine, par exemple les analyses de laboratoire ou l’imagerie diagnostique; elles peuvent aussi porter sur une priorité d’interopérabilité particulière comme le partage de documents cliniques, ou sur des normes comme CDA ou SNOMED CT, ou encore être formées par un groupe de professionnels comme des médecins ou des infirmières.

Formation des communautés

Les personnes qui contribuent activement aux solutions d’interopérabilité sont à la source de la création des communautés. Envoyez-nous un courriel pour proposer une communauté.

Communautés courantes

Bringing together clinical and operational leaders who are managing a Hospital at Home program, or are in the process of developing a new initiative in their community.
32 members
Security experts working in healthcare or health solution providers sharing knowledge, information, and resources to promote security in healthcare, and safeguard Canadians’ personal health information.
107 members
Expand on Diagnostic Imaging to explore imaging topics across the healthcare enterprise beyond Radiology, such as wound care, dermatology, point of care ultrasound and digital pathology.
235 members
Collaborate on the various aspects of managing electronic referrals and consultations.
165 members
Dedicated to the discovery, definition and publishing of HL7® FHIR® Implementation Guides, Conformance, Profiles, Extensions and ValueSets serving the Canadian context.
411 members
Share experiences and resources on analyzing the abundance of data created by digital health solutions.
289 members
Discuss and share updates, requirements, challenges, issues, solutions, presentations and work items related to health terminologies and classifications (SNOMED CT, pCLOCD, etc.).
488 members
Keep up to date and get involved in the latest from the HL7 Canada Constituency, the HL7 Canada Council, pan-Canadian messaging standards, and HL7 International. You can also get discount codes for HL7 events and education resources from the contact.
428 members
Responsible for fulfilling some of the obligations listed in the HL7 Affiliate Agreement with HL7 International. As such, membership in the group is closed to the elected members as specified in its Terms of Reference but participation is encouraged from the broader community.
17 members
Health care and health information professionals collaborating to improve information sharing between health care technology systems.
271 members
Collaborate on topics with ISO/TC215, the ISO Technical Committee (TC) on Health Informatics and SC1 Global Health and Genomic Informatics.
160 members
A national medication management stakeholder community sharing knowledge, information and resources to promote medication safety practices.
406 members
The National Nursing Data Standards group’s goal is to increase the adoption and uptake of clinical data standards in Canada.
105 members
Are you a clinician and a passionate digital health champion? Join this community to engage with like-minded peers and Infoway.
162 members
Collaborate on the various aspects of creating, distributing and consuming a health records summary for a patient.
282 members
Building knowledge and collaborating on public health solutions to improve the electronic sharing and use of immunization and communicable disease information.
270 members
Canadians working together to modernize Canada’s sex and gender information practices in digital health.
148 members
Explore how to incorporate social determinants of health (SDOH) concepts into digital health systems.
172 members

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