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FHIR® Implementations

Dedicated to the discovery, definition and publishing of HL7® FHIR® Implementation Guides, Conformance, Profiles, Extensions and ValueSets serving the Canadian context.
Membres: 411
Personne-ressource: Anil Patel
Type: Ouvert
Accès: Public
Dedicated to the discovery, definition and publishing of HL7® FHIR® Implementation Guides, Conformance, Profiles, Extensions and ValueSets serving the Canadian context.

À propos de nous

HL7 CanadaWelcome to the Canadian FHIR implementation community forum. The purpose of this forum is to collaborate on areas of FHIR implementation that will advance implementations across Canada, while contributing to the global adoption of FHIR. The objective is to develop pan-Canadian approaches to constraining and extending FHIR. The community has been active since January 2016 and has been growing ever since!

The community has several streams of activity:

  • Topical workstreams
  • Monthly community calls to share workstream progress and other FHIR-related news
    A general forum to ask questions and share information

The table below provides more details on the workstream activity:

Workstream Co-Chairs Objective Progress to date
Solution Architecture

Igor Sirkovich (OMHLTC)

Ken Sinn (Ontario Health Team)

  1. Serve as a forum for all architectural questions about implemention of FHIR based solutions
  2. Discuss Canadian URI (incl. mapping to OIDs), profiles and extensions
  1. Currently hosting governance calls for the FHIR Profiling Stream

Tim Berezny (CareDove)

Caryn Harris (Orion Health)

  1. Build eReferral use cases
  2. Prototype eReferral use cases
  3. Select Resources to include in Specifications
  4. Write preliminary Specifications for broader use
  1. Assembled stakeholders from across the e-referral spectrum to build a community led e-Referral specification.
  2. Published an e-referral implementation guide that has been adopted by various integrations across Ontario:
Community Monthly Calls

Gavin Tong (Gevity Inc.)

Yaron Derman (eHealth Ontario)

  1. Share progress within the workstreams within the broader FHIR community
  2. Identify and promote FHIR education and implementation activities
  1. Informative updates and discussions about FHIR globally and progress across the workstreams
  2. Average 17 participants per call.
Canadian Baseline Profiles & Governance

Sheridan Cook (Accenture)

Michael Savage (Sunlife)

  1. Create of a set of national FHIR profiles that can be leveraged by implementers and jurisdictions to promote re-use and interoperability
  2. Establish a common baseline / starting point for Canadian FHIR Implementations
  1. Organization of workstream into Profiling and Governance Streams, to allow for ample time to explore different types of issues
  2. Total of 78 proposed changes to draft Profiles received from FHIR Community
  3. Organization of Profiling Stream into sub-streams based on thematic groupings of FHIR Profiles: Entities, Medications, and Clinical
  4. Average 10 participants per call

Recordings of the CA FHIR Baseline Calls can be found on the following Youtube playlist:

SMART on FHIR Community of Practice

Russell Buchanan (eHealth Centre of Excellence)

Raman Dhanoa (Dogwood Health Consulting)

Irfan Hakim (Accenture)

  1. Establish a shared foundation for Canadian SMART on FHIR application developers.

  2. Serve as a collaborative forum for discussing use-cases, solving SMART on FHIR implementation obstacles, and enabling demonstrations and insights across different provinces.

This group has commenced its discussions centered on SMART Launch contexts and related parameters. The intial use-cases that are being discussed include the Ocean SMART Launch V1.0, SMART Launch v2.0 and Telus Ocean Integration.

The FHIR community forum is a great place to learn, share and collaborate, whether you are new to FHIR or are already have deep FHIR experience.

Key Resources

Canadian Core Profiles


Helen Wu a lancé une nouvelle discussion dans le groupe FHIR® Implementations

Hi FHIR Implementations community members, Infoway will continue to co-ordinate the Affiliate Agreement with HL7 International on behalf of Canada. For those individuals or organizations that require access to, or licenses associated with content managed by HL7 International, the renewal period is now open. Individuals or organizations that require licenses to content owned by HL7 International or desire to participate in working groups or ballots with HL7 International are encouraged to renew their HL7 Canada Affiliate access. To ensure the continuity of your HL7 Canada Affiliate access, please make a payment prior to April 1, 2025 for the 2025-2026 year period. To renew or register: 1. login to your Infoway Account on InfoCentral - if you don't have an Infoway Account, ... first 2. click on your username in the top right of the grey bar to open your user profile 3. go to the ... and submit the form and payment. Accounts that have not been renewed will revert to that of an InfoCentral user on April 8, 2025. If you do not currently have HL7 Canada Affiliate access, you can register by following the steps above. To learn more about access to pan-Canadian standards, solutions, and HL7 International standards access, please visit the ... on InfoCentral. For more information on accessing standards, please .... Thank you,

Kush Patel s'est joint(e) à un groupe

FHIR® Implementations Logo
Dedicated to the discovery, definition and publishing of HL7® FHIR® Implementation Guides, Conformance, Profiles, Extensions and ValueSets serving the Canadian context.

Sadrina Petit a lancé une nouvelle discussion dans le groupe FHIR® Implementations

Hi everyone, The presentations from Experience Days and the Plugathon have been uploaded and are now available for download! You can find all materials in a single zip file, organized into folders by event and day for easy navigation. Download the presentations here: ... For additional details about the IHE North America Connectathon Week 2025, visit: ... If you have any questions, feel free to reach out. Thank you very much! The 2025 Projectathon Planning Committee

Michael Savage a répondu au cours d'une discussion dans le groupe FHIR® Implementations

Hi David! Here's the link to the next occurrence of the quarterly Community Call series (Weds March 5th): Using that registration link, you'll get invites & access to the rest of the series for the year. Thank you!

Michael Savage a répondu au cours d'une discussion dans le groupe FHIR® Implementations

Hi Jijesh! Absolutely - here's the link to the registration information for our quarterly Community Calls: Please note that our call for this quarter is next week, Weds March 5th. Thank you!

David Cumming a répondu au cours d'une discussion dans le groupe FHIR® Implementations

Thanks Lorraine - I really appreciate the reply.

Lorraine Constable a répondu au cours d'une discussion dans le groupe FHIR® Implementations

Hi David, Welcome, happy to have your participation! You can register for the meeting from the InfoCentral calendar - here is the notice for this Friday's meeting I usually just register and join directly from the event page, but it will register you for multiple sessions. The logins for the Governance call and the Profile calls are different, so you will need to connect to the correct stream Lorraine Constable


Événements à venir :

Ven Mar 07 @ 2:00PM - 03:00PM
CA Baseline Profiles - Profiling Stream
Ven Mar 14 @ 2:00PM - 03:00PM
CA Baseline Profiles - Governance Stream
Ven Mar 21 @11:00AM - 12:00PM
SMART North Monthly


Renew Today: HL7 Canada Affiliate Access 03/03/25

Hi FHIR Implementations community members, Infoway will continue to co-ordinate the Affiliate Agreement with HL7 International on behalf of Canada. For those individuals or organizations that require access to, or licenses associated with con...

Experience Days and Plugathon Presentations Now Available 02/27/25

Hi everyone, The presentations from Experience Days and the Plugathon have been uploaded and are now available for download! You can find all materials in a single zip file, organized into folders by event and day for easy navigation. Download...

CA Baseline Governance Call - Friday Feb 28th 2-3pm ET - Agenda 02/26/25

Hi David! Here's the link to the next occurrence of the quarterly Community Call series (Weds March 5th):

FHIR Implementers Community Call - Weds Mar 5 12-1pm ET 02/26/25

Hi Jijesh! Absolutely - here's the link to the registration information for our quarterly Community Calls:

CA Baseline Governance Call - Friday Feb 28th 2-3pm ET - Agenda 02/26/25

Thanks Lorraine - I really appreciate the reply.

CA Baseline Governance Call - Friday Feb 28th 2-3pm ET - Agenda 02/26/25

Hi David, Welcome, happy to have your participation! You can register for the meeting from the InfoCentral calendar - here is the notice for this Friday's meeting

CA Baseline Governance Call - Friday Feb 28th 2-3pm ET - Agenda 02/26/25

Hi Michael, I would like to begin attending this meeting. Can you please forward the meeting invite or direct me to the meeting details? Thanks David Cumming Senior Manager, Interoperability Product Development Canada Health Infoway | Inforou...

FHIR Implementers Community Call - Weds Mar 5 12-1pm ET 02/26/25

Hi Michael, I'm interested in starting to attend this call. Could you please forward the invitation or direct me to where the meeting details are? Thanks David Cumming Senior Manager, Interoperability Product Development Canada Health Infoway...

FHIR Implementers Community Call - Weds Mar 5 12-1pm ET 02/26/25

Hi Michael, good morning. I am new to the forum. Where do I find the link to the call today? thanks, Jijesh

FHIR Implementers Community Call - Weds Mar 5 12-1pm ET 02/25/25

Hi all! This is both a reminder that our first Quarterly FHIR Implementers Community Call has been moved by 1 week, to Weds March 5th 12-1pm ET (see invite in calendar), and that the agenda for the session is as follows: 1. Welcome & Intros (a...

CA Baseline Governance Call - Friday Feb 28th 2-3pm ET - Agenda 02/25/25

Hi all! The agenda for this Friday Feb 28th's CA Baseline Governance Call is to outline recommendations for how the group will communicate to Cores & Mores about changes (i.e., canonical) in CA Baseline v2.0. Thank you!

CA Baseline v1.2 Package Available 02/21/25

The Canadian FHIR Baseline v1.2 .tgz package is now available and can be found at This release involved a significant lift by our community to apply technical corrections and improvements....

SMART North Feb 21st Meeting Cancelled 02/20/25

Dear SMART North Community, The working group meeting on February 21st, 2025 has been cancelled and instead will take place on March 21st, 2025. Looking forward to seeing you all there! Meeting info:

Agenda Switch - June 13th CA Baseline Call - Profiling > Governance 02/14/25

Hi all! This item is a ways out, but planting the seed early and can remind closer to. We've adjusted the stream focus of the Friday June 13th CA Baseline Call to be a Governance Call. Topic is still TBD. Thank you!

Join Us at the 2025 May WGM & HL7 FHIR Connectathon in Madrid, Spain! 02/13/25

Hi FHIR Implementations Community Members, The HL7 International WGM event is an opportunity for the HL7 community to meet face-to-face to collaborate on standards and participate in education and training on HL7 standards in an international sett...


Cliquez sur « Gérer des documents » pour :

  • voir la liste complète des documents ou les dossiers regroupant les documents
  • téléverser un nouveau document

N. B. : Les membres des groupes ne sont actuellement pas avisés de l'ajout d'un nouveau document. Pour aviser d'autres membres, vous devez en afficher l'adresse électronique dans le forum. (La fonction d'avis de téléversement des nouveaux documents est en préparation.)

Gérer des documents Vous devez peut-être ouvrir une session et/ou être déjà membre du groupe pour accéder à ce contenu.

Architecture ( 0 Document )

BusinessCase ( 0 Document )

CDS Hooks ( 0 Document )

Client Registry ( 0 Document )

Consent Management ( 0 Document )

eReferral ( 0 Document )

Meeting Materials ( 0 Document )

Provider Registry ( 0 Document )

Questionnaire ( 0 Document )

SMART on FHIR ( 0 Document )

Tooling ( 0 Document )



Anil Patel
Photo de Anil Patel
Canada Health Infoway
Sadrina Petit
Photo de Sadrina Petit
Canada Health Infoway
Sheridan Cook
Photo de Sheridan Cook
Michael Savage
Photo de Michael Savage
Linda Monico
Photo de Linda Monico
Canada Health Infoway
Kush Patel
Photo de Kush Patel
Jijesh Devan
Photo de Jijesh Devan
David Cumming
Photo de David Cumming
Canada Health Infoway
Helen Du
Photo de Helen Du
Ruchang Shah
Photo de Ruchang Shah
Nova Scotia Health
Vanessa Bui
Photo de Vanessa Bui
University of Toronto
Chris Ling
Photo de Chris Ling
Public Health Agency of Canada
David Thabet
Photo de David Thabet
Scientia Digital Inc.
David McDermott
Photo de David McDermott
Strata Health Solutions
Camille Estival
Photo de Camille Estival

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