Vous pouvez maintenant accéder à la version de janvier 2025 du Répertoire canadien des médicaments à partir de Terminology Gateway et du serveur terminologique, à des fins de consultation ou d’implantation. En savoir plus >

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Open source integration tools useful for health IT integration projects

HAPI FHIR® is a simple-but-powerful library for adding FHIR messaging to applications. It is pure Java compatible and licensed under the business-friendly Apache Software License, version 2.0.



External Solutions for API integration

Open source integration tools useful for health IT integration projects.


HAPI for HL7 v2 messages is an open-source, object oriented HL7 v2.x parser developed for the Java platform


HAPI FHIR is a simple-but-powerful library for adding FHIR messaging to your application. It is pure Java compatible and licensed under the business-friendly Apache Software License, version 2.0.

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Transformer les soins de santé au Canada grâce aux technologies de l'information sur la santé.