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Ballot Comment Spreadsheets

HL7 2016 Jan Ballot ( 1 Document )

HL7 2016 May Ballot ( 1 Document )

HL7 2016 Sept Ballot ( 3 Documents )

HL7 2017 Jan Ballot ( 1 Document )

HL7 2017 May Ballot ( 1 Document )

HL7 2017 Sept Ballot ( 1 Document )

HL7 2018 Jan Ballot ( 2 Documents )

HL7 2018 May Ballot ( 3 Documents )

HL7 2018 Sept Ballot ( 7 Documents )

HL7 2019 Jan Ballot ( 2 Documents )

HL7 2019 May Ballot ( 3 Documents )

HL7 2019 Sept Ballot ( 4 Documents )

HL7 2020 Jan Ballot ( 2 Documents )

HL7 2021 Jan Ballot ( 0 Document )

HL7 2021 May Ballot ( 3 Documents )

HL7 2021 Sept Ballot ( 0 Document )

HL7 2024 Jan Ballot ( 0 Document )

HL7 2024 May Ballot ( 6 Documents )

( 7 Documents )

Gender Harmony reconciliation tracking (as of Feb 24, 2023)

Published on Feb 24, 2023 by Joanie Harper

HL7 Canada Sept 2022 FHIR R5 Sex and Gender Ballot Comments

Published on Nov 01, 2022 by Ron Parker

HL7 Canada FHIR R5 Sex and Gender Ballot responses

HL7 Canada Sept 2022 HL7 v2.9.1 Sex and Gender Comments

Published on Nov 01, 2022 by Ron Parker

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