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Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise (IHE)

Health care and health information professionals collaborating to improve information sharing between health care technology systems.
Members: 270
Contact: David Kwan
Type: Open
Access: Public
Health care and health information professionals collaborating to improve information sharing between health care technology systems.


What is IHE? IHE is an initiative by healthcare professionals and industry to improve the way computer systems in healthcare share information. IHE promotes the coordinated use of established standards such as DICOM and HL7 to address specific clinical needs in support of optimal patient care. Systems developed in accordance with IHE communicate with one another better, are easier to implement, and enable care providers to use information more effectively. Physicians, medical specialists, nurses, administrators and other care providers require vital information be passed seamlessly from system to system within and across departments and made readily available at the point of care, in other words enabling systems interoperability. IHE is designed to make this a reality by improving the state of systems integration and removing barriers to optimal patient care.

Why is IHE needed? Optimal patient care requires efficient access to all relevant information. Despite the advanced state of technology, however, healthcare enterprises have not yet begun to realize the full potential of computer systems to reduce medical errors, improve the efficiency of care providers and enhance the overall quality of clinical care. To do so requires a framework for information sharing that meets the needs of care providers as well as patients–and gains acceptance among the companies that build the systems they rely on.

Standards provide the basis for such a framework, but alone do not solve the problem. In any standard there are gaps, options, room for conflicting interpretations. No standard maps perfectly to the complex and ever-changing information domain of a healthcare enterprise. Filling the gap between standards and systems integration has, until now, required expensive, site-specific interface development. To close that gap a process for building a detailed framework for the implementation of standards is needed. IHE provides that process.

Who is IHE? IHE is sponsored by associations of healthcare professionals around the world and has welcomed participation by many of the leading manufacturers of imaging and information systems. Volunteer members of these associations, including clinicians and other care providers, healthcare executives and information technology experts, play a key role in guiding the development of IHE and determining priorities for integration. They collaborate with vendor representatives to identify obstacles to integration and optimal care and remove them by developing and implementing standards-based solutions for information sharing.

IHE International, the organization overseeing the development and publication of IHE Technical Frameworks worldwide, is sponsored by the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) and the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA). IHE has expanded continually and developed strong international support. Canada Health Infoway is an IHE Benefactor member, committing to IHE’s mission, independence and sustainability.

How do I use IHE? How you use IHE depends on your specific role and your specific needs. Clinicians and administrators should be aware of the clinical and operational benefits that can be realized through IHE Integration Profiles and encourage their departments to demand those capabilities when acquiring or upgrading systems. Information technology professionals should know how to use IHE Integration Profiles in RFPs and purchasing agreements and should familiarize themselves with sections of the Technical Framework that describe interfaces between systems under their supervision. Specifying IHE integration content as requirements specifications, along with conformance testing reduces risk and frames vendor accountability. Healthcare information technology solution developers and systems integrators should have a detailed knowledge of the sections of the Technical Framework relevant to their systems, these technical resources are developed to address clinical and informatics use cases in the real world.

If IHE is about achieving a common language for integration, then an analogy can be made to how one uses various resources to understand a foreign language…

Standards such as DICOM and HL7 provide the vocabulary and basic grammar for the language of integration. The Technical Framework organizes these elements somewhat like a language textbook, fitting together the most relevant pieces and eliminating confusion and ambiguity. Integration Profiles are like a phrase book for essential communications. They further organize the language to enable vendors and purchasers to communicate about systems integration-even if DICOM or HL7 is not their native language.

IHE can make systems integration faster, more efficient, less expensive and more successful. Standards-based integration solutions like those defined in IHE are flexible, durable, easier to implement and less expensive to maintain than proprietary methods. Achieving systems integration through IHE is a dramatic step toward providing optimal patient care.

IHE Process - Engaging HIT Stakeholders in a Proven Process

IHE brings together users and developers of healthcare information technology (HIT) in an annually recurring four-step process:

1. Clinical and technical experts define critical use cases for information sharing.

2. Technical experts create detailed specifications for communication among systems to address these use cases, selecting and optimizing established standards.

3. Industry implements these specifications called IHE Profiles in HIT systems.

4. IHE tests vendors’ systems at carefully planned and supervised events called Connectathons.


Integration Profiles: A Framework for Interoperability

IHE Profiles provide a standards-based framework for sharing information within care sites and across networks. They address critical interoperability issues related to information access for care providers and patients, clinical workflow, security, administration and information infrastructure. Each profile defines the actors, transactions and information content required to address the clinical use case by referencing appropriate standards.

See capsule descriptions of current IHE profiles in each domain. IHE Profiles are compiled into IHE Technical Frameworks-detailed technical documents that serve as implementation guides and Technical Frameworks freely available online.

Connectathons: Testing Interoperability and Conformance

IHE has been testing the interoperability of HIT systems for more than a decade. At IHE Connectathons held regularly in several locations internationally, trained technical experts supervise testing of vendor systems, making use of advanced testing software developed by IHE and several partner organizations. More than 250 vendors worldwide have implemented and tested products with IHE capabilities.

What is the InfoCentral IHE Canada Community?

The InfoCentral IHE Canada Community is a place where health care professionals, the health information industry, and government administrators collaborate to improve the way health care technologies and systems share information.

To become a member of this community select Join Group in the Group Menu.

If you have an idea for a subject, a community working group or project that will drive interoperability forward, let us know! Send your suggestions


David Kwan, IHE Canada Chair
(Insygnia Consulting Inc.)


IHE Resources


Dear Colleagues, The 2025 IHE North American Connectathon Week staged and attended last week was sold out weeks before registration closed, we had to turn people away. For that we apologize, but for us it was a good problem to have. This signals to us there is a significant need for such events. The 2025 IHE North American Connectathon Week was a multi-component conference focused on Healthcare IT Interoperability. The event featured the IHE Connectathon Testing Event, Pan-Canadian Projectathon, IHE Plugathon, and Experience Days. It provided numerous opportunities for North America's digital health stakeholders to engage, validate, and refine health systems to meet the highest interoperability standards. Highlights: Day 1 kicked off with Experience Days with sessions on global interoperability lessons, IHE's role in the digital health ecosystem, and Canada's national roadmap for interoperability. Also starting was the opening of the 2025 IHE Connectathon / Pan-Canadian Projectathon Testing floor, with over 23 organizations and 25 systems participating for the entire week. Day 2 of Experience Day featured presentations on international digital health policies, national digital health roadmaps, and the importance of IHE Connectathon testing. Day 3 of the 2025 Connectathon Week featured the beginning of the IHE North America Plugathon For three days, healthcare professionals, vendors, and industry experts gathered to foster innovation and knowledge sharing through interactive workshops and testing sessions across five unique tracks: Emerging IHE ProFiles IPS & Patient-Mediated Access Advancing the Pan-Canadian Shared Interoperability Taming AI with IHE Profiles Trust Frameworks and the IHE as their Technical Enablers End of the Week,the 2025 IHE North America Connectathon Week became one of the largest and most significant global health IT interoperability technical testing events. Throughout the week, attendees from around the globe came together to test their interoperability readiness and participate in dynamic educational and networking opportunities. Thank you to our event partners, IHE Canada and IHE USA, and our event supporters, IHE Catalyst, IHE International, HIMSS, the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) and especially Canada Health Infoway, for helping us bring this event to Canada for the first time! If you were not able to attend the IHE NA Connectathon Experience Days last week, please join in the conversation and attend the upcoming webinar, How can IHE help with creating standards/specifications that can be utilized for jurisdictional or nationwide RFPs? and an update on 2025 IHE NA Connectathon Thursday, Feb 13, 2025, 12:00pm - 01:00pm ET Description: The Swiss Experience. eHealth Suisse, has delivered national coordination since 2008. eHealth Suisse objectives of achieving a common goal orientation of the actors, defining the concrete plan for the development and implementation of the federal eHealth strategy. eHealth Suisse also supports the Confederation and the cantons to promote the acceptance of eHealth and in communications, coordination of the actors in the care regions, together with the cantons. eHealth Suisse actively defines standards for interoperability throughout Switzerland. Join us for an informative webinar on How can IHE help with creating standards/specifications that can be utilized for jurisdictional or nationwide RFPs? and an update on 2025 IHE NA Connectathon. Speaker: Martin Smock, Dr. rer nat, scientific advisor, eHealth Suisse Webinar will address: Why do we use IHE Profiles for the Swiss EPR The role of the Swiss Projectathon Our plans for the future Register in advance for this meeting: After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn how IHE can empower eHealth initiatives, drive interoperability, and support the creation of robust RFPs for national and regional health projects. We look forward to seeing you there! Best regards,
Hi all, IHE Canada is pleased to invite you to join the next ... on how IHE profiles can help shape standards and specifications for jurisdictional or nationwide Requests for Proposals (RFPs) and to explore how IHE’s approach is driving interoperability and supporting eHealth strategies at a national level. eHealth Suisse, a leader in coordinating Switzerland’s federal eHealth strategy, will share their experiences in defining and implementing standards to advance interoperability throughout the country. Gain valuable insights into the role of IHE profiles in Switzerland’s electronic patient record (EPR) and get the latest updates from the 2025 IHE North American Connectathon. Webinar Details Date: Thursday, February 13, 2025 Time: 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM (ET) Speaker: Dr. Martin Smock, Scientific Advisor, eHealth Suisse Topics to Be Covered Why IHE Profiles are essential for the Swiss EPR The role and impact of the Swiss Projectathon Future plans for eHealth and interoperability in Switzerland Register Now Secure your spot by registering in advance: ... Once registered, you’ll receive a confirmation email with all the details you need to join the webinar. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn how IHE can empower eHealth initiatives, drive interoperability, and support the creation of robust RFPs for national and regional health projects. We look forward to seeing you there! Best regards,
The IHE Radiology Technical Commitee hsa published the following new Technical Framework Supplement for trial implementation as of January 23, 2025: ... The profile contained within the document is available for testing at subsequent IHE Connectathons. Comments on this and all Radiology documents are welcome at any time and can be submitted at Radiology ....
We are collaborating with our vendor partners to enhance the Terminology Server, focusing on improving usability by offering seamless access to terminology content in your preferred formats. As we approach the launch, these updates—shaped by your invaluable feedback—are designed to provide a more streamlined and efficient user experience. To learn more about these enhancements, please read our ....


IHE North America (NA) Connectathon Week, A Huge Success! 02/10/25

Dear Colleagues, The 2025 IHE North American Connectathon Week staged and attended last week was sold out weeks before registration closed, we had to turn people away. For that we apologize, but for us it was a good problem to have. This signals t...

Upcoming IHE Webinar: February 13, 2025 02/03/25

Hi all, IHE Canada is pleased to invite you to join the next ... on how IHE profiles can help shape standards and specifications for jurisdictional or nationwide Requests for Proposals (RFPs) and to explore how IHE’s approach is driving interopera...

IHE Radiology Technical Framework Supplement Published 01/24/25

The IHE Radiology Technical Commitee hsa published the following new Technical Framework Supplement for trial implementation as of January 23, 2025: ... The profile contained within the document is available for testing at subsequent IHE Con...

Terminology Server - Enhancements to OntoCommand are coming soon! 01/22/25

We are collaborating with our vendor partners to enhance the Terminology Server, focusing on improving usability by offering seamless access to terminology content in your preferred formats. As we approach the launch, these updates—shaped by your inv...

Infoway’s Terminology Server full integration with HL7 FHIR Tooling Ecosystem 12/18/24

We’re excited to share a major milestone for interoperability in Canada! Infoway’s FHIR-capable Terminology Server is now fully integrated with HL7 International’s FHIR tooling ecosystem. This integration streamlines access to Infoway-hosted terminol...

IHE Patient Care Coordination Technical Framework Supplements 12/18/24

The IHE Patient Care Coordination Technical Committtee has published the following new and updated supplements for trial implementation: Occupational Data for Health (ODH) - Release 1.0.0 New Implementation Guide! Query for Existing Data for M...

IHE IT Infrastructure Technical Framework Supplements Published 12/18/24

The IT Infrastructure Technical Committee has published the following new and updated Technical Framework Supplements for trial implementation: Add RESTful ATNA (Query and Feed) - Revision 3.5 Mobile Care Services Discovery (mCSD) - Release 3...

IHE IT Infrastructure Technical Framework Volumes 12/18/24

The IT Infrastructure Technical Committee has published the following updated Technical Framework Volumes: Volume 1: Profile definition, use-case analysis, actor definition, and use of transactions and content Volume 2: Transaction definiti...

IHE Pathology and Laboratory Medicine Technical Framework Supplement Publication 12/18/24

The IHE Pathology and Laboratory Medicine Technical Committee has published the following updated Technical Framework supplement for trial implementation: Digital Pathology Workflow - Image Acquisition (DPIA) - Rev. 1.3 available for .... The prof...

Final Reminder: Terminology Server Evaluation Survey Closes December 3 11/29/24

Hi all, This is a final reminder that the Terminology Server Evaluation Survey will close on Monday, December 3, 2024. We sincerely appreciate the feedback received so far, which has been invaluable in improving the Terminology Server since its l...

Join the Pre-Projectathon Testing Webinar on December 9th! 11/28/24

Hi all, Are you registered for, or interested in, the upcoming Pan-Canadian Projectathon, part of the IHE North America Connectathon Week? Don’t miss this essential webinar to ensure you’re fully prepared to test pan-Canadian specifications devel...

Terminology Server Progress Update & Invitation for Feedback 11/25/24

Hi Everyone, A quick reminder to participate in the Terminology Server evaluation survey, open until December 3, 2024. This brief survey (3–5 minutes) provides an opportunity to share your valuable feedback and help us improve our services. You...

IHE IT Infrastructure Technical Framework Documents Published 11/22/24

Hi IHE Canada Community Members, IHE IT Infrastructure Technical Framework Supplement Published for Public Comment The IT Infrastructure Technical Committee has published the following updated Technical Framework Supplement for public comment in...

IHE Canada Community Webinar Nov 2024 Materials 11/21/24

Hello IHE Canada members, Thank you for attending the November 21, 2024, IHE Canada Community Webinar, focused on "What Goes on in an IHE Connectathon/Projectathon/Plugathon?". The presentation material is now available here: .... A recordi...

Two pager Connectathon Week overview 11/21/24

Hi everyone, I thought I'd provide you with a two-paper Connectathon Week overview in advance of our Community call today. Please refer to the following for useful registration links and more online detail: .... Cheers, Attila


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Connectathon Week Summary

Published on Nov 21, 2024 by Attila Farkas


Published on Apr 14, 2024 by Ron Parker

IHE 101

Published on Mar 04, 2020 by Derek Ritz


A Collaborative Approach to Interoperability in Canada

Hello members of the Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise working group, If you were unable to attend Infoway's session on 'A Collaborative Approach to Interoperability in Canada' please find a recording of the presentation in the link below. Please feel free to contact us at: [email protected] if you have any questions. Sincerely, Interoperability Team



David Kwan
Picture of David Kwan
Insygnia Consulting Inc.
Tarek Kadoura
Picture of Tarek Kadoura
Canada Health Infoway
Linda Monico
Picture of Linda Monico
Canada Health Infoway
Sree Roy
Picture of Sree Roy
Health Canada
Nazneen Shaik
Picture of Nazneen Shaik
Centre for Distance Education
Michael Joy
Picture of Michael Joy
Blackcurrant Software
Carlene Williams
Picture of Carlene Williams
David McDermott
Picture of David McDermott
Strata Health Solutions
Jason Woo
Picture of Jason Woo
TELUS Health
Erik Uittien
Picture of Erik Uittien
Ryan Laming
Picture of Ryan Laming
Cornwall Community Hospital
Dennis Lee
Picture of Dennis Lee
University of Victoria
Michael Chou
Picture of Michael Chou
Aeon Health
Brett Taylor
Picture of Brett Taylor
Health Canada
Colin Hattie
Picture of Colin Hattie
Innovation and E-Health

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