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The latest on clinical interoperability across InfoCentral.

Preview of the content in the next Canadian SNOMED CT Release

Did you know that you can preview the scope of SNOMED CT (and other releases) as it is being developed?

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Did you know: Standards Education Resources

Want to learn more about Health Information Standards? We have education materials that can help.

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Diagnostic Imaging Community: Upcoming Webinar, Recently Published Journal Article and Regular Podcast

There are several upcoming and ongoing events and resources to stay informed about medical imaging research, implementations, best practices, case studies and more.

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Latest NLCHI’s FavouritedEMRCodes Subset now available on Terminology Gateway

The Newfoundland and Labrador Centre for Health Information (NLCHI) subset, FavouritedEMRCodes, contains SNOMED CT codes for capturing EMR diagnosis for enhanced capture of diagnosis.

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TermManager Terminology Mapping Tool Now Available

Find out more and request access of this web-based data mapping tool.

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FHIR North 2019 Call for Speakers - Submit by August 12

Public call for short presentations & CodeCamp activities for FHIR North, October 16, 2019 at Mohawk College in Hamilton, Ontario.

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The Value of Citizen Access to Digital Health

A recently published article in the Journal of Medical Internet Research shows that Canadians and our health system reap significant benefits when patients can access their personal health records online and use digital health e-services.

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Lorie Carey wins the 2019 LOINC Award for Distinguished Contributions

The award recognizes Lorie's "exceptional and enduring actions, activities and accomplishments that advance and promote LOINC (Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes — a database and universal standard for identifying medical laboratory observations) and its use to improve health."

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Did you know: Canadian FHIR Registry

Did you know that you can create, publish and share amazing FHIR® Implementation guides in the Canadian FHIR Registry?

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Updated Canadian Edition of SNOMED CT Available in TermWorks

Map to the January 2019 version of SNOMED CT Canadian Edition starting May 22, 2019. 

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Calling Health IT Companies: Check out our Latest RFP

Infoway invites leading health IT companies to respond to the newly launched Request for Proposal (RFP) to solicit technology and services related to Identity, Access and Consent, for Infoway’s ACCESS Gateway.

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