Health Terminology Standards Virtual Mini-Conference: Incorporating Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) Into Digital Health Systems
Upcoming opportunity to attend and learn more about Social Determinants of Health standards initiatives.
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The latest on clinical interoperability across InfoCentral.
Upcoming opportunity to attend and learn more about Social Determinants of Health standards initiatives.
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Looking for courses on current databases, Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI) methodologies, CIHI reports and other topics?
Infoway will be releasing updates to several subsets.
This Canadian release is based on the January 31, 2021 International Edition and includes COVID-19 vaccine related concepts, an assortment of French Canadian and French global terms.
Join Ron Parker (Chair, HL7 Canada Affiliate, and Co-Chair, HL7 International Council) and Infoway standards experts Joel Francis and Joanie Harper, as they explore HL7, FHIR and other standards used in health care.
Did you know that Infoway publishes a list of all the health care standards recommended for use or already implemented in Canada?
The SNOMED CT CA extends the international edition with specific Canadian requirements.
Registration is now open. No matter your experience level with LOINC, you will find new learnings.
Deadline to submit your request for change regarding the proposed changes to published subsets is March 5, 2021.
Congratulations to the newly elected members of the HL7 Canada Council and thank you to all the nominees and the community for participating.
Improving the quality of patient care through the effective sharing of clinical information among health care organizations, clinicians and their patients.