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map-pin eReferral Spec Development work stream

  • Posts: 84
4 years 3 months ago #6364 by Tim Berezny
Lloyd Mackenzie has brought to my attention that it would be more appropriate for the MesagerHeader.focus to point to the Task resource instead of the ServiceRequest.

"The Task.focus is the ServiceRequest. The MessageHeader.focus would be what's happening to the ServiceRequest (seeking fulfillment, accepting, rejecting, updating fulfillment status, etc.) - and that's communicated by the Task."

This sounds like it would be a sensible update to make to the specification

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  • Posts: 84
6 years 5 months ago #4183 by Tim Berezny
This is a reminder about our biweekly eReferral Working Group meeting today (details at bottom of message).

A little update for you before the call begins:
The following resource profiles have now all reached "Pilot Ready" stage. These are ALL of the resources needed to submit an eReferral.
MessageHeader (new!)

A few more resource profiles need to be complete to support some additional processes:
Subscription: to send eReferral updates back to the sender
Communication: to have ad-hoc discussions about eReferrals
HealthcareService: to synchronize a service directory (+ additional modifications to practitioner, location, organization, practitionerRole)
Provenance: to record the who/when of changes to eReferrals (out of pilot scope)
DocumentReference: to add attachments to a resource (out of pilot scope)

Meeting details below.
Biweekly meeting regarding the development of an eReferral FHIR specification

1. Overview of all "60% Pilot Ready" resources
2. Differences shared resources between eReferral process and Service Directory
3. Adoption of a messaging paradigm
4. Approach to subscriptions
5. Terminology

11:00am Eastern

teleconference #: 1 855 703 8985
Meeting ID: 367 389 4036

Chair: Tim Berezny
Co-Chair: Caryn Harris

eReferral Implementation Guide:
Join Basecamp eReferral Space:
Join Basecamp Service Directory Space:
eReferral Video Demos:

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  • Posts: 41
6 years 5 months ago #4140 by Yaron Derman
Hello everyone,
This is an update to the Ontario eReferral conceptual architecture webinar and workshop held in April/May.

Starting August 15, we will be launching the open review for the Provincial eReferral Conceptual and Information Architecture Report.

Provincial eReferral Conceptual and Information Architecture (CIA) Report
Clinicians need to be able to refer patients to the care they need, anywhere in the province. Current paper-based referrals and disconnected electronic systems are a barrier to this. Electronic referral (eReferral) systems enable health care providers to digitally initiate, receive, manage and track referrals. The Provincial eReferral CIA Report presents a proposed conceptual architecture to build a provincial eReferral ecosystem that aligns to the panLHIN Referral Management Working Group’s guiding principles and respects existing investments that regions have made into regional eReferral systems. Along with the conceptual architecture, the CIA Report includes a high-level business overview, business requirements, a supporting information architecture and high level deployment priorities.
An introductory webinar will be hosted on August 21st to review the material and explain the process for submitting feedback.
Webinar materials and recordings will be made available on basecamp.

Anticipated Key Dates:
1. August 15 to September 14: Provincial Review
2. August 21: Webinar
3. September 17 to October 10: Comment reconciliation period
4. October 17: BTC Meeting to recommend for SC endorsement
5. November 15: SC Meeting to endorse

Contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for questions about how you can participate in this provincial review.

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  • Posts: 84
6 years 6 months ago #4094 by Tim Berezny
Note: My apologies, I incorrectly posted a date in June in my reminder, it is actually TODAY at 11.

This is an ad-hoc extra meeting beyond the normal biweekly meeting, and will be a bit more "working meeting" where we will be making a number of decisions regarding getting resources prototype-ready.

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  • Posts: 84
6 years 6 months ago #4093 by Tim Berezny
Hello all,
A friendly reminder of Tuesday's eReferral call at 11am. Here is the agenda:

We are going to make decisions regarding the Patient + Task resources to get them to prototype-ready state, listed on the ServiceRequest basecamp page:

Biweekly meeting (including today) regarding the development of an eReferral FHIR specification

Tues June 26 @ 11:00am Eastern

teleconference #: 1 855 703 8985
Meeting ID: 369 389 4036

Chair: Tim Berezny
Co-Chair: Caryn Harris

Essential Project Resources
eReferral Implementation Guide:
Join Basecamp eReferral Space:
Join Basecamp Service Directory Space:
eReferral Video Demos:

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  • Posts: 84
6 years 6 months ago #4074 by Tim Berezny
Hello all,
A friendly reminder of Tuesday's eReferral call at 11am. Here is the agenda:

We are going to make 9 decisions regarding the ServiceRequest resource, listed on the ServiceRequest basecamp page:

Biweekly meeting (including today) regarding the development of an eReferral FHIR specification

Tues June 26 @ 11:00am Eastern

teleconference #: 1 855 703 8985
Meeting ID: 369 389 4036

Chair: Tim Berezny
Co-Chair: Caryn Harris

Essential Project Resources
eReferral Implementation Guide:
Join Basecamp eReferral Space :
Join Basecamp Service Directory Space
eReferral Video Demos:

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