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map-pin eReferral Spec Development work stream

  • Posts: 84
3 years 7 months ago #6513 by Tim Berezny
Notes for WG Meeting 2020-12-08

Next Meeting Jan 5th 2021

The main topic of the meeting was a revised design of eReferral event codes.

We evaluated the BSeR state flow diagram found here (and its associated table):

Also, there is a previously worked on document for revising event codes that can be found here:

- Do we need rows 15 and 17 for fail, or should it be possible to “fail” from anywhere? Semantically what do we mean by fail - clinical vs process vs technical failure? This language needs to be made clear
- Be more rigid on “Terminal” states
- Generally we should follow the Task states, but create some standard businessStatus states

- Splitting of a referral (at a central intake) - Need a way to “notify” the requester that there is a new sericeRequest created based on their previous referral
- Request for information: In this diagram, needs to go via “Rejected”, but this isn’t truly a rejected state, which should be considered “terminal”. - Consider adding an RFI or “revise” state… or business statuses to “Rejected” where it does not act as a terminal state, which it is waiting to be accepted or rejected.

- What is the purpose of “Modified (Ask the author)

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  • Posts: 84
3 years 8 months ago #6478 by Tim Berezny
Note: The eReferral WG meetings have moved from biweekly to monthly, with the next meeting in December.

You can see the updated schedule here:

-Tim Berezny, CTO Caredove | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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  • Posts: 2
3 years 8 months ago #6444 by Geoff Ramsay
Thanks Ted, Radhika!

Notes from WG Meeting 2020-11-10

Tim Berezny (CareDove),
Radhika Verma (Ontario Health),
Geoff Ramsay (Think Research)

Proposal to move to monthly meetings
Discuss previous thinking on Task Statuses

New admin processes and needs
Move to Monthly meetings (no active development on standard right now)

Review of previous thinking on expanded Task statuses
Proposed Thinking:

Review US eReferral work:

  • ServiceRequest -> Request to transfer care
  • Requested, Acked, Cancelled, Complete...
  • Task -> Tracks the workflow of processing a referral
  • All other steps during processing
  • Event-Code -> Instruction for the receiving system to process a specific action
...Follow up with WG to schedule an event code conversation

Discussion - Viewlets
  • Review of Viewlets iGuide opens next week.
  • Radhika authored the Simplifier
  • Allows for 2-way context sharing between apps
  • Potentially an interesting investigation as an alternative to the current SoFish approach used in eReferrals

Event Code discussion

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  • Posts: 15
3 years 8 months ago #6443 by Radhika Verma
I would like to participate!
Thank you!

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3 years 8 months ago #6442 by Ted Jin
Please count me in. Thanks.

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  • Posts: 2
3 years 8 months ago #6441 by Geoff Ramsay
Hi Folks!

In Tuesday's Working Group meeting we discussed message header event-codes used to identify the intent of an eReferral bundle. The (limited) attending group recognised that this is an area that's still quite ambiguously defined, and that could use some focus and further refinement.

The attending group proposed an out-of-band discussion for interested parties.
If you're reading this, and would like to participate, please respond, or message/email me or Tim directly!

Proposed agenda of that (ideally 2 hour) side-chat:
  • Review existing event codes and intended use.
  • Review proposed event codes representing sub-events and new events
  • Plan for formalization and presentation to the Working Group for feedback

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