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file IHE IT Infrastructure Technical Framework Documents Published

  • Posts: 65
3 months 1 week ago #9396 by Helen Wu
Hello IHE Canada Community Members,

IHE IT Infrastructure Technical Framework Supplement Published for Public Comment
The IHE IT Infrastructure Technical Committee has published the following updated Technical Framework Supplement for public comment in the period from May 23 through June 22, 2024:

• Document Digital Signature (DSGj) addition of JSON Signature - Revision 2.0

The above document is available at Comments submitted by June 22, 2024 will be considered by the IT Infrastructure Technical Committee in developing the trial implementation version of the supplement. Comments can be submitted via traditional methods at ITI Public Comments or by creating a DSGj GitHub Issue .

IHE IT Infrastructure Technical Framework Supplements Published for Trial Implementation
The IT Infrastructure Technical Committee has also published the following updated Technical Framework Supplements for trial implementation as of May 24, 2024:

• Internet User Authorization (IUA) - Release 2.3
• Mobile access to Health Documents (MHD) - Release 4.2.2

The profiles contained within the above documents may be available for testing at subsequent IHE Connectathons. The documents are available at Comments on these IT Infrastructure documents are welcome at any time and can be submitted via traditional methods at ITI Public Comments or by submitting a IUA or MHD GitHub Issue.

IHE IT Infrastructure White Paper Published
The IT Infrastructure Technical Committee has also published the following updated white paper as of May 24, 2024:

• Enabling Document Sharing Health Information Exchange Using IHE Profiles - Revision 2.2

The document is available at Comments on this IT Infrastructure document are welcome at any time and can be submitted via traditional methods at ITI Public Comments or by submitting a GitHub Issue .

IHE FormatCode Vocabulary Implementation Guide Updated
IHE has published an updated the FormatCode Vocabulary Implementation Guide as of May 24, 2024. This Implementation Guide contains the IHE vocabulary for FormatCode and the IHE managed ValueSet for FormatCode. This update adds some previously missing codes. The Implementation Guide is available at Comments are invited at any time and can be submitted by creating a GitHub Issue .

IT Infrastructure Technical Committee Announcement: CP-ITI-1297
The HL7 Gender Harmony Project has developed a logical model to include information in electronic health records for supporting the care of gender and sex-diverse patients. See This model includes requirements and examples for encoding sex and gender in HL7 v2.9.1, FHIR R5, and CDA. FHIR introduced the following extensions - see

IHE IT Infrastructure is considering adoption of the HL7 information model. While the inclusion of Gender Harmony elements is not mandated, CP-ITI-1297 aims to introduce a conditional requirement, stipulating that if concepts related to sex and gender are included, they must adhere to the methods defined by the Gender Harmony Project. The impacted IHE Profiles are: PDQ, PAM, XCA, XDS, PIX, XPID, PCF, PDQm, PIXm, and PMIR.

Note: The HL7 Gender Harmony Project did not address v3, therefore we cannot address PIXv3, PDQv3, or XCPD. The ITI Technical Committee has acknowledged the importance of incorporating sex and gender information in XCPD for enhanced cross-community patient discovery. However, due to the absence of provisions within the base standard, no immediate action is being taken. Public comment is sought on this approach.

CP-ITI-1297 is currently under development to address this and we welcome participation in the development of the CP over the next few months. See:

Should you have any questions, please reach out to David Kwan. Thank you.

Best regards,

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