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World Standards Day - October 14 2020

Standards circleInfoway is celebrating World Standards Day by recognizing the dedicated volunteers that contribute to improving digital health. Over the years, we have seen great progress in the adoption and implementation of digital health solutions in Canada that make a tremendous impact on all our lives; and none of it would happen without the tireless work of the many standards volunteers in Canada. On behalf of Infoway and all Canadians everywhere, thank you!


Read one of the Spotlights on volunteers leading Infoway Standards Communities on InfoCentral

Spotlight on Collaboration in FHIR Implementations: How One Parser Enables Interoperability for Cancer Care

Many volunteers came together to break down data silos in cancer care. They leveraged two standands, IHE and FHIR, enabling health information to be quickly and easily shared with specialists and others in the circle of care, facilitating better health outcomes. Thank you to all participants who assisted in the collaborative creation and design of this tool. Read the spotlight by Joel Francis for all the details.

Standards at Infoway

To access or learn more about standards, tooling and implementations, join our dedicated communities that engage in informative discussions and webinars with Canadian stakeholders and implementers: Health Terminologies Community, Sex and Gender Working Group, Genomics InformaticsEnterprise Imaging (formerly known as Diagnostic Imaging)FHIR Implementations Working Group, ISO Community, HL7 Community, National Nursing Data Standards and/or IHE Community.

World Standards Day 2020: Protecting the planet with standards

worldStandards2020Three leading international standards bodies, International Standards Organization (ISO), International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), and International Telecommunication Union (ITU) join forces every year to celebrate World Standards Day on October 14, which is a means of paying tribute to the collaborative efforts of thousands of experts worldwide who develop the voluntary technical agreements that are published as International Standards.

To reduce human impact on our planet, we need the political will, concrete action and the right tools. International standards are one such tool. Read the World Standards Day message from the IEC, ISO and ITU.

Infoway research has found that the increasing use of virtual care holds promise for reducing carbon emissions. If half of in-person visits were replaced by virtual visits, carbon emissions would be reduced by 325,000 metric tons. These savings are equivalent to taking more than 70,000 passenger vehicles off the road for a year. Standards play a vital role in enabling virtual care, helping to protect the planet. Interested in continuing the conversation? Watch our webinar “How the Rise of Virtual Care is Contributing to Sustainable Healthcare,” and tune into the Digital Health InfoCast on August 4 to hear Nicole Simms in conversation with Bobby Gheorghiu and Waldo Beauséjour.

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