HL7 Canada Council Elections 2017
Infoway is currently hosting the election for the four, HL7 Canada Council Member-at-Large positions.
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The latest on clinical interoperability across InfoCentral.
Infoway is currently hosting the election for the four, HL7 Canada Council Member-at-Large positions.
Join us for our upcoming Coordination of Care meeting on January 31st (1PM ET) which will feature a presentation from eHealth Saskatchewan regarding their initiative to advance EMR interoperability and other related projects.
The comment period on the editorial guidelines closes on January 20.
To Celebrate, Grow and Inspire Bold Action in Canada’s Digital Health Community.
Available at the end of January, accompanying release webinars have been scheduled for both SNOMED CT and LOINC reference terminologies.
Drug terminology, clinical subject matter experts, EMR and pharmacy system vendors are invited to participate in the public review of the Canadian E-prescribing Drug Terminology Editorial Guidelines.
Hear what clinicians, patients, caregivers, governments, associations and industry had to say about digital health.
Learn more about the Subset Maintenance Review Process, or join the FHIR Implementation Working Group.
Powerful patient experiences, digital health success stories and compelling discussions were the highlight of day two at Partnership.
Improving the quality of patient care through the effective sharing of clinical information among health care organizations, clinicians and their patients.