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The latest on clinical interoperability across InfoCentral.

Notice of Policy Update

The Website User Privacy Policy has been updated. 


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Webinar: Public Review of e-Prescribing Drug Terminology Editorial Guidelines

Drug terminology, clinical subject matter experts, EMR and pharmacy system vendors are invited to participate in the public review of the Canadian E-prescribing Drug Terminology Editorial Guidelines.

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Digital Health Week 2016: A Conversation with Canadians

Hear what clinicians, patients, caregivers, governments, associations and industry had to say about digital health.

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Upcoming Webinars & Meetings

Learn more about the Subset Maintenance Review Process, or join the FHIR Implementation Working Group.


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Digital health success stories - Highlights of Partnership, Day Two

Powerful patient experiences, digital health success stories and compelling discussions were the highlight of day two at Partnership.

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State of Digital Health in Canada Tweet Chat

Help inform digital health in Canada and support Canadians in moving from patients to partners in managing their health.

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ImagineNation LEADing Practice Challenge Open for Submissions

Enter the LEADing Practice Challenge for an opportunity to showcase how your organization is using consumer digital health and a chance to earn part of $12,000 in awards available!

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The New SNOMED CT® Canadian Extension/Edition is now available

Access the release files from the Terminology Gateway, and browse the content through the IHTSDO Browser. 

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Join the Conversation to Celebrate Digital Health Week

Take part in one of the many events (November 14- 20, 2016) bringing together clinicians, patients, caregivers, governments, associations and industry to #ThinkDigitalHealth

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FHIR® – Focusing on Canadian Profiles

The new FHIR Implemntation Working Group joins implementers from across the country work together to share build FHIR assests. 


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Webinar: ISO/TC215 Use Case Standard – Patient Summary

Developing standards for the transfer of a Patient Summary is an important problem to address to ensure patients are well cared for outside of their local jurisdiction. Learn more about how the new ISO Use Case Standard is being applied to this health care scenario and join the dialogue on November 3rd.

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Improving the quality of patient care through the effective sharing of clinical information among health care organizations, clinicians and their patients.