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map-pin eReferral Spec Development work stream

  • Posts: 84
7 years 11 months ago #2256 by Tim Berezny
Hello all,

Thanks for volunteering to join the team. We've build a preliminary charter/workplan for this group and are ready to start meeting.
We are proposing biweekly meetings, starting next week. Here is a doodle poll, please let us know ALL times which could work for you. (Wednesday is currently the PREFERRED day, but we have included other options).


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  • Posts: 17
7 years 11 months ago #2204 by Erik Uittien
Hello, I would like to participate to the workstream as well.

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  • Posts: 6
7 years 11 months ago #2193 by Caryn Harris
Thanks for the information, that sounds good - I look forward to the upcoming meetings

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7 years 11 months ago #2192 by Borna Jafarpour
Tim Brezney (Caredove) and I (Borna Jafarpour from eHealth Ontario) will be co-chairing this work stream. We are putting together a charter proposing the goals and the methods we can use to achieve them in this working group. We will be off course looking for feedback during the first tcon. Stay tuned as we are setting up regular meetings. I think we definitely need to be cognizant of the discussions going on in the other streams (specially tooling) but I don't think there is a dependency.

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  • Posts: 6
7 years 11 months ago #2191 by Caryn Harris
I would like to be part of this eReferral workstream.

I think that is a great idea to start with some of the existing eReferral initiatives and develop a reference model based on what we have learned so far. I implemented eReferral in Alberta (Orion Health) and can provide input on the workflow/system requirements. The Alberta government and Gevity developed a message specification for eReferral with various interactions. I could find out whether they would be willing to share that specification, too.

Out of interest, who is responsible for this eReferral workstream, and are we dependent on any other worksteams?

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  • Posts: 4
7 years 11 months ago #2188 by John Wills
Work package ideas: I wonder if a useful place to start would be to source/develop/adopt a process reference model (BPMN?) in order to surface/identify potential requirements for FHIR interactions/resources/profiles etc.. This might be followed by characterizing existing FHIR resources that would participate in eReferral processes, preparing a maturity/capability gap analysis between FHIR current state and process requirements, prioritizing use cases for spec development, and so forth. A preliminary step might be an environmental scan of Canadian eReferral process documentation. For example eHealth Ontario has developed a draft eReferral Provincial Reference Model and Alberta/Orion and others have implemented elements of eReferral - all of which could provide process information source material for a FHIR perspective review.

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