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PrescribeIT Unveiled at e-Health


Lynne Zucker, Infoway’s Vice President, Clinical Systems Integration, presented the vision for Canada Health Infoway’s multi-jurisdiction e-prescribing solution (PrescribeIT) at e-Health 2016. Her presentation provided an overview of how a secure, patient-directed, electronic end-to-end solution that adheres to standards and efficiently automates the prescribing process can help improve the patient’s quality of care, improve care coordination, and may reduce healthcare costs.

PrescribeIT will enable prescribers to electronically transmit a prescription to a patient’s pharmacy of choice, eliminating paper prescriptions while optimizing jurisdiction investments in their drug information systems. The service will help prescribers, pharmacists and jurisdictions realize significant benefits in terms of improved patient safety (reduction in transcription error) and improved medication compliance (increase in the percentage of new scripts filled will result in improved health outcomes).

For more information on PrescribeIT, contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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