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Webinar: Public Review of e-Prescribing Drug Terminology Editorial Guidelines

Health Canada and Infoway have partnered in the development of the new national drug terminology currently known as the Canadian Non-proprietary Therapeutic Product Dataset intended for use in conjunction with the current Health Canada Drug Product Database. This new national Dataset aims to support safe electronic prescribing as the first priority within the PrescribeIT System.

To maximize input, Health Canada and Infoway are seeking participation from jurisdiction drug terminology and clinical subject matter experts, along with EMR and pharmacy system vendors in reviewing the editorial guidelines prior to publication from December 15, 2016 to January 20, 2017.

Join us for a webinar on December 15th, at 1 pm ET for an overview of:
• The new national drug terminology
• The editorial guidelines that underpin the drug terminology content, and
• Information on how stakeholders can participate in the open review of the editorial guidelines

The editorial guidelines have been developed by a Canadian advisory group and reflect the current clinical practice requirements and safety advice, as well as medicinal product terminology international best practice. They provide rules for identifying and describing medicines available in Canada for digital health applications.

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