ISO TC215: 12052:2006 (vers 2): Systematic Review - June 2015: Health informatics -- Digital imaging and communication in medicine (DICOM) including workflow and data management - response by May 10, 2015.
All: just to keep you up to date... the DICOM standards bundle within ISO/TC215 is being shepherded through systematic review using a new ISO process. Because ISO 12052:2006 is a "referential" standard (eg. references DICOM standards), and because DICOM standards are always under revision, the leadership of TC215 has embarked on a new format for "bundling" referential standards under a single ISO standard umbrella. These bundles are by "topic", so this topic is being called "Clinical Imaging".
Within this bundle will be all the referenced DICOM standards, plus standards related to conformity assessment, tooling, etc. Also, there will be references to IHE Integration Profiles from the Radiology domain.
This is a new process, so most of us are watching how it unfolds. It's being coordinated by Mike Glickman (TC215 Chair) and Harry Soloman and Kevin O'Donnell (DICOM Liaison Officers). I'll have a role as well as IHE Liaison Officer.
I'm assuming that Canada will support the systematic review, and I would encourage our delegation to vote "yes" in that regard. The logistics of the final "bundle" version will be unfolded in due course.
Improving the quality of patient care through the effective sharing of clinical information among health care organizations, clinicians and their patients.