Hi all,
We have made a few hotfixes to the PS-CA FHIR Package, which currently is at
simplifier.net/packages/ca.infoway.io.psca/2.0.3-dft-ballotversion 2.0.3 DFT-Ballot
The key changes since version 2.0.0 DFT-Ballot:
- Patient.identifier slicing has changed from fixedCodeableConcept to patternCodeableConcept
- The ValueSet.version for Substance Code and Pharmaceutical/Biologic Product Code has changed from a date format (20240204) to semantic versioning (1.0.0)
Patient.identifier slicing has changed from fixedCodeableConcept to patternCodeableConcept
- fixedCodeableConcept requires that the Patient.identifier.type match the follow exactly
"coding": [
"system": http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v2-0203,
"code": "JHN" (or “MR”)
- systems that send the following would experience unintended rejections, since it is not an exact match:
"coding": [
"system": http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v2-0203,
"code": "JHN"
“display”: “Ontario Health Card Number”
The slicing definition has been changed to a patternCodeableConcept, which allows for a successful slice match even if extra fields are sent
The ValueSet.version for Substance Code and Pharmaceutical/Biologic Product Code has changed from a date format (20240204) to semantic versioning (1.0.0)
- The Canadian Terminology Service is now live in production, and the HL7 Terminology Server (tx.fhir.org) will reroute terminology queries/validations for Canadian terminologies (e.g. fhir.infoway-inforoute.ca VSets, SNOMED CT-CA) to the CA TxService (See
tx.fhir.org/tx-reg/ for the list of terminologies where tx.fhir.org will reroute terminology calls)
- The ValueSets on Tx Gateway historically used a date format versioning. The migration to CA Tx Server included changing to
semantic versioning.
- The ValueSet stubs in the PS-CA Package on Simplifier uses a
date format versioning, aligning with the Tx Gateway (from before)
- The PS-CA SubstanceAndPharmaceuticalBiologicProductCode ValueSet is a defined in the PS-CA package as a composite of sub-ValueSets SubstanceCode ValueSet and the PharmaceuticalBiologicProductCode ValueSet
- When HL7 Validator or HL7 IG Publisher tries to evaluate the superset SubstanceAndPharmaceuticalBiologicProductCode, it sees
two SubstanceCode ValueSets – the local one with YYYYMMDD and the TxServer one with X.Y.Z, and doesn’t know which one to use, and throws an error
- The fix for this is to align the ValueSet version formatting in PS-CA to use the semantic version, along with backdated publication date (1900-01-01) so that tooling can easily identify which ValueSet copy to use (the newer one on TxServer)
- The ValueSet version change for the PS-CA 2.0.3 DFT-Ballot is limited to the three impacted ValueSets, but will likely expand to all ValueSets in a future PS-CA release
Happy to help answer any questions or concerns you might have. If you experience the above issues with the current PS-CA 2.0.0 DFT-Ballot, you can adopt the 2.0.3 DFT-Ballot package to resolve these issues.