Good afternoon,
Please note that we have changed the date of the next Patient Summary Working Group meeting to November 22. The event details are available
We were thrilled with the level of stakeholder representation at the Patient Summary Working Group (PSWG) kick-off meeting on October 24th and are looking forward to our collaboration on the Patient Summary. The Oct 24th meeting details are now available:
Meeting Minutes
Presentation Deck
Meeting Recording
<strong>Upcoming Events!</strong>
• November 22: PSWG meeting. Please find the event details
. Please note the date change from the 21st to the 22nd.
• November 28: In our last meeting, we announced changes to the specification review process. This webinar will provide details about the specification balloting process. Please find the event details
Thank you,
Allana, on behalf of the Interoperability Team
Improving the quality of patient care through the effective sharing of clinical information among health care organizations, clinicians and their patients.