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file Sex-gender information practices in EHR systems

  • Posts: 9
5 years 3 months ago #5544 by Gillian Kerr
We've adopted the CIHI-recommended measure for gender in our new evaluation platform:

We're in the process of adding more gender measures based on consultations with agencies serving immigrants and refugees. So far, they have requested that we add the Fenway and HRC definitions to our options:

Human Rights Campaign (HRC)
1 Male
2 Female
3 Non-binary/ third gender
4 Prefer to self-describe [open text]
9 Prefer not to say
From Human Rights Campaign. Collecting Transgender-Inclusive Gender Data in Workplace and Other Surveys. (2016). Accessed July 10, 2017.

Fenway Institute:
1 Male
2 Female
3 Female‐to‐Male (FTM)/Transgender Male/Trans Man
4 Male‐to‐Female (MTF)/Transgender Female/Trans Woman
5 Genderqueer, neither exclusively male nor female
6 Additional Gender Category/(or Other), please specify
9 Decline to answer
From The Fenway Institute. (2014). Public Comment on Notice of Proposed Rule Making, RIN 0991‐AB92, the Voluntary 2015 Edition Electronic Health Record Certification Criteria; Interoperability Updates and Regulatory Improvements, including 2017 Certified EHR Technology (CEHRT) proposals. Accessed July 10, 2017.

Each agency would choose the definition that is the best fit with their programs. For data reporting, we aggregate 'Gender Diverse' with 'Prefer not to say' and 'No answer' unless the cell size is large enough to protect confidentiality.


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  • Posts: 72
5 years 3 months ago #5541 by Francis Lau
Folks, if your organization collects sex and gender information, we would like to hear from you on how sex and gender are defined, collected and used in your organization ...

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