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file National IG Author - Birds of a Feather Session Sunday Sept 10th 9:00am MST

  • Posts: 9
7 months 3 weeks ago #8666 by Lorraine Constable
hi Sheridan, I think you mean Sunday Sept 10, not May 10

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  • Posts: 61
7 months 3 weeks ago #8660 by Sheridan Cook
Hey folks,

We wanted to circle back with the community - particularly those that aren't able to join in person at the upcoming HL7 Connectathon and Working Group Meeting - about how we're continuing our collaboration with the other National IG Authors to identify how we can better leverage the rules in international guides (e.g., IPS, IPA, etc) alongside our national and jurisdictional constraints.

We've had ~4 Birds of a Feather Sessions: 2 informal sessions at the HL7 January 2023 WGM, 1 formal session at the HL7 May 2023 WGM, 1 formal session at the DevDays 2023 conference. You can track our progress on our National IG Authors Confluence Page as well as our stream

In addition to wanting a structure for the HL7 Affiliates to share approaches with each other - these BoF sessions were largely driven by wanting to share the experiences of Canadian constituents implementing Patient Summary and wanting to have processes for managing constraints across International->National->Jurisidictional guides, that works for us as much as it does the other nations.

One of the topics we'll be focusing this BoF session on, is how we can improve the ways that national pilot/limited production roll out experiences gets filtered into the international guides more quickly. We will mostly be asking for other countries to weigh in how they accomplish this today and discuss if their are improvements we can ask for HL7 International and the International Council.

If folks want to listen in - this will be a hybridized session to allow other national IG authors in Europe to call in. It is Sunday May 10th at 9:00am MST (local time for WGM). It is hosted by International Council and HL7 Canada is helping to host the zoom. The call in details are: Since we have facilitated questions for folks in the room and on the line, we just ask that you identify yourself by country and role (e.g., Canadian jurisdictional author, Canadian vendor/implementor) if you do decide to call in.

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