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file Reviving - SMART North (SMART on FHIR Community of Practice)

  • Posts: 29
1 year 4 months ago #8390 by Paula Martin
See Event added to Calendar of March 9, 2023:

SMART North - SMART on FHIR showcase and Call to Action


Demos/Presentations by:
• CHMA (Caseworks)
• Intrahealth (EMR)
• Strides (Think Research)
• QCH (Meditech)
• Accenture

Discussion: Workflows/Use Cases
• Launch to pre-fill an eForm i.e for the purpose of sending an eReferral or eConsult
• Launch to search for a health service (related)
• Others?

Next Steps: Scope and Launch context, specifically what FHIR profiles are needed to the above identified workflows/use cases.

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  • Posts: 29
1 year 5 months ago #8361 by Paula Martin
Happy 2023!

Last year, we suspended SMART NORTH as we were lacking a “real life” business problem to solve.

Well – we have got one now.

We would like to recall current and near future SoF implementers to discuss Scope and Launch context, specifically what FHIR profiles are needed to support the currently used workflows in Canada. One business workflow in Ontario we are specifically looking at is launch in support of populating an eForm I.e. for the purpose of sending a referral or consult.

I would be thrilled if there was at least one other existing SMART on FHIR use case we could also look at.

If you know of an existing SMART on FHIR workflow and/or are interested in participating in a new-future (end of Feb/early March) discussion on Scope and Launch context, please let me know.

Once a date is decided, an event will be posted to the calendar.

Many thanks , Paula

paula dot lee at ehealthce dot ca

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