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file FHIR WG Meeting - March 22, 12-1 PM Eastern

  • Posts: 47
7 years 2 months ago #2367 by Gavin Tong

The minutes from the March 22 meeting are below. Once again, a big thanks to all the stream leads and volunteers for self organizing and identifying workplan items. Really look forward to the April meeting when we start to see some of the first deliverables.

Yaron Derman, Natalya Pogrebetsky, Borna Jafarpour, Smita Kachroo, Sanjaai Udukumbura, Fariba Behzadi, Shamil Nizamov, Attila Farkas, Alex Goel, Gavin Tong, Igor Sirkovich, Grant Gillis, Akram Mohammed, Alan Leung, Federic Laroche, Chris Mota, Janice Spence, John Wills, Ken Sinn, Kris Lewis, Rita Pyle, Lloyd McKenzie, Sisirad

Action: Need to change the Zoom coordinates from Joginder to Yaron’s or Gavin’s
Action Item Review from the 2017-02-22 Meeting
• Jan 25:2: Gavin - ping contacts to ask if they would get involved in SMART on FHIR
– Closed
Mar 22:1 - Action: Tim Berezny to see if there is anyone else interested in SMART on FHIR and working on Canadianizing the US Profiles.
• Jan 25:4: Rod Thurber to reach out to RelayHealth to get involved in eReferral workstream
– Open
• Jan 25:5: Susan Anderson: find out if someone from Orion to get involved in eReferral workstream
– Open
• Jan 25:8: Shamil - use the forum to seek participants for working on a pan-Canadian approach to the Patient resource
– Closed.
• Jan 25:10: (ALL WG participants): any other assets that you could contribute in time for April 26 (and attending) so that FHIR North attendees could test against?
– Closed.
– eHealth Ontario will be offering an example PCR FHIR interface.
– Tim Berezny will be providing a referral request end point
URI Registry Discussion:
• Ontario is working to release their FHIR query for PR and CR, and OntarioMD’s HRM team is working on FHIR based exchange for reports, and forcing them to looking out for assigned URI’s for health card numbers and professional colleges. Is anyone already working on assigning URL?
• Is there support for the idea to create a URI registry? Knowing that there is a fee of $100/OID to submit them to HL7 Inc.
• Lloyd suggested that we start a google spreadsheet of known OIDS and then start assigning URLs to them along with naming systems, and then see how they evolve. He has already started a google doc on URL distributions which he will share with the FHIR WG forum to get comments.
• Igor noted that there are a number of URIs that have already been assigned in Ontario. It was noted that the Solution Architecture group has also identified this as a need to be worked on.
• Eventually there will be a need for registries.
Mar 22:2 - Action Item: Yaron to post the google sheet and share with the forum, others to contribute.
Infoway Tooling WG:
• Previous action items are complete.
• Attila provided an update of the Infoway Tooling work plan, first milestone is to provide client side code generation, and then the RESTful interface to populate the registry.
• No risks, issues, blockers at present – but need more people.
Business Case Work Stream:
• Previous action items are complete.
• Attila provided an update of the Business Case work plan
• Aiming to have content for review by mid April. FHIR WG members should feel free to visit the work in progress on InfoScribe and submit comments
• No risks, issues, blockers at present – but need more people, also want people to contribute content and comments.
Solution Arch WG:
• Two meetings held.
• Focus for near term deliverable is guidance and recommendations for URI identifier namespaces, mapping to OIDS, and other related topics to unique identification. Target date is April 19th.
• Other topics on the horizon are the basic integration patterns/paradigms for different use cases.
• Meetings are every Friday from 2-3 PM eastern
• No risks, issues, blockers at present – but need more warm bodies.
Registries Work Stream:
• Kick off meeting held on March 21, not ready yet with work plan. The first meeting focused on sharing of information on who is working on various CR and PR interfaces.
• Going to explore topics over the next 2 meetings to identify topics that the group will work and then progress towards building out a work plan. Potential work item topics could be terminologies, URIs, and potentially using the tools/resources provided by Infoway.
eReferral WG:
• 2nd meeting held on March 21, not ready yet with a work plan. Discussion on how to model a central intake office for referrals, and how to model when a referral is actually started and actually finished. Have decided that for the purposes of the WG, the start of a referral is when a person knows where the referral is going. First deliverable is to complete the data flow, and then after that will be to map to the FHIR resources.
• In the near future (e.g. ~April 19) will have some of the profiles and sample data sets and will need this group to review.
• Request to the group for examples of eReferral.

• Feb 22. Gavin spoke to Apps for Health organizers and they are willing to see if their participants are interested in SMART on FHIR and Canadianizing the US Core (formerly DAF) profiles.
• Jan 25:1: Gavin: reach out to Canadian attendees of San Antonio WG to ask if they could provide an update to the WG – COMPLETE
• Jan 25:2: Gavin - ping contacts to ask if they would get involved in SMART on FHIR
– Closed
• Jan 25:3: John Wills to reach out to CognisantMD to get involved in eReferral workstream
– Complete. Jeff Kavanagh to join the group.
• Jan 25:6: Joginder will set up the various topics in the InfoCentral – COMPLETE
• Jan 25:7: Gavin - reach out to Ken Stevens to ask if there is interest in this topic from ITAC Health and to ask the Apps for Health conference leadership if any of their participants may be in this space COMPLETE
• Jan 25:8: Shamil - use the forum to seek participants for working on a pan-Canadian approach to the Patient resource
– Closed.
• Jan 25:9: Rod: place the work package in Google Docs and a central copy in the InfoCentral forum – COMPLETE

Mar 22:1 - Action: Tim Berezny to see if there is anyone else interested in SMART on FHIR and working on Canadianizing the US Profiles.
Mar 22:2 - Action Item: Yaron to post the google sheet and share with the forum, others to contribute.
Jan 25:4: Rod Thurber to reach out to RelayHealth to get involved in eReferral workstream
Jan 25:5: Susan Anderson: find out if someone from Orion to get involved in eReferral workstream

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  • Posts: 47
7 years 2 months ago #2337 by Gavin Tong

The agenda for this Wednesday's FHIR WG meeting is below. Meeting info and connection details are here:

1. Welcome, agenda, action items (10 mins)
2. Discussion on the need for an interim URI Registry (10 mins – Yaron)
3. FHIR North – connectathon and education session overview (5 mins – Gavin)
4. Work Stream - work plan updates focusing on key deliverables and dates:
a. Tooling (5 mins)
b. Business Case (5 mins)
c. Architecture (5 mins)
d. Registries (5 mins)
e. eReferral (5 mins)

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