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question-circle SNOMED seeks community feedback on proposed description character limit increase

  • Posts: 33
1 month 1 week ago #9679 by Julie Boutin

SNOMED International has extended the deadline for feedback on the proposal to increase the description length limit to December 31, 2024.

For more details, please see the attached briefing note and visit the blog set up by SNOMED International for a Q&A on this topic.

You can also use this feedback form if you would like to submit questions/comments or would like to share your concerns directly with SNOMED International.

Thank you,

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  • Posts: 37
5 months 1 week ago #9347 by Janice Spence
Hello HTC Members,

When SNOMED International prepares to make changes to various aspects of SNOMED CT, most of which are driven by Member and user request, they often ask the community for their feedback on the potential impact to them.

They are now launching a community consultation to solicit feedback on a proposal to increase the size limits of SNOMED CT concept descriptions to 4096 from the current limit of 255 characters. While this change does not represent a modification of the existing specification, it could be disruptive to implementers who have coded fixed length limits into their systems.

Read the latest Q&A blog post by SNOMED International Technical Specialist Peter Groves Williams, who explains the proposed change, its potential benefits, the feedback process and timelines, and the issues that may need to be considered in such an update.

Please submit your feedback to this forum by July 26th.

You can find the full proposal here for more details.

Thank you.

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