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check LOINC version 2.75 is now available!

  • Posts: 195
11 months 5 days ago #8644 by Linda Monico
LOINC Version 2.75 is available for download from the LOINC website and from the LOINC Terminology Service using HL7® FHIR® . This release contains new, edited and newly mapped concepts in Laboratory, Clinical, Survey and other domains. It also includes content updates resulting from LOINC's collaboration with SNOMED International that began in 2022.

A few LOINC 2.75 highlights include:
1945 new concepts and 4844 concept edits.
The LOINC.mdb file is no longer provided in the release file package.
A new version of the LOINC Community forum was launched, it provides a simple space for questions and comments within the LOINC Community.
The LOINC Hierarchy browser has undergone updates that allow users to download trees or search results in CSV file format.

LOINC’s release highlights and notes are available for full details.

Infoway’s Standards team is currently working on preparing the September 2023 pCLOCD release that will include the applicable LOINC Version 2.75 international release updates. If you have any questions, please use our contact us form.

Happy LOINCing!

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