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file Nominations for the HL7 Terminology Authority Open through August 10

  • Posts: 433
6 years 2 weeks ago #4118 by Linda Parisien
The HL7 Chief Technology Officer (CTO) is issuing a call for nominations for the HL7 Terminology Authority (HTA).

At a minimum, the positions currently held by the following HTA members, whose terms expire in September 2018, will be filled (all are eligible for re-appointment): Heather Grain, Sandra Stuart, Rob McClure.

All nominations should be forwarded to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (copy to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) by end of day on Friday, August 10, 2018. Nominations must include a brief resume/CV as evidence of the qualifications as noted below and a statement that the nominee is able to meet the commitments outlined below.

The HTA is responsible for the creation, implementation, and management of HL7 processes involving external terminology management. The HTA’s purpose is to ensure that HL7 provides timely and high- quality terminology products and service needed for standards development. It serves as the single point of contact with any external terminology standards development organization with which HL7 has established, or in the future shall establish, formal relationships.

The HTA is composed of a minimum of six current member of HL7 appointed by the Board of Directors at the recommendation of the CTO, including one Vocabulary WG co-chair and at least two members representing International Affiliates.

Qualifications for serving on the HTA:
Candidates for membership in the HTA must recognize the importance of, and have a commitment to, the development and use of appropriate terminology as a critical success factor for HL7. They must be current members of HL7 or an HL7 Affiliate with strong written and verbal communication skills and expertise in at least one, but preferably all, of the following areas as assessed by the CTO:
  • Large scale or enterprise-level development or management of terminologies with a focus on achieving working/semantic interoperability between data exchange stakeholders in both intra- and inter-enterprise contexts.
  • Good terminology practices as defined by the Cimino desiderata coupled with in depth knowledge of the HL7 core principles for terminology
  • Knowledge of the design and use of one or more of the large scale reference terminologies commonly used in the healthcare domain; such as SNOMED CT, LOINC, ICD-10, etc.
  • Realizing the implications of developing and managing an extension to one or more of the large-scale reference terminologies cited
Commitment Candidates shall provide documentation of support for their participation on the HTA from their employers or a like statement of their personal commitment if individual members of HL7. Members of the HTA are expected to:
  • Participate in 75% of scheduled conference calls
  • Dedicate up to 2 hours each week around the time of the harmonization meetings, in addition to conference calls, to HTA deliverables
  • Attend at least two of the three Working Group Meetings each year in person

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