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file Imms Interoperability technical discussion: first call Wednesday, December 9th, 2 - 3:30 ET

  • Posts: 104
9 years 1 week ago #885 by Tara Mawhinney
Posted on behalf of Beverly Knight:

As a result of Infoway investments in active projects, there have been discussions in the Immunization Interoperability Work Group (IIWG) found here (where you are welcome to join) that have focused on identifying human readable data required by business stakeholders and clinicians.
We would like to extend the scope of the IIWG discussions to include messaging standards to support immunization interoperability with two goals in mind:
- to identify immunization initiatives underway and reduce the differences in how immunizations solutions are built (via pan-Canadian standards).
- to facilitate ease of adoption / alignment for EMR vendors.

We are planning a couple of calls to take place before the end of the calendar year, with the first one scheduled for December 9th at 2:00 ET (details below). We would like to encourage any interested technical folks to attend, so please pass this on as you feel appropriate. If there are any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) for clarification. Here is an overview of the agendas for the calls.

1. The first call will focus on a technical review and discussion of the immunization data dictionary. The data dictionary was developed to support submitting an immunization record to a Jurisdictional Immunization Information System (JIIS) and to query a JIIS for a client’s immunization history. We will provide a brief overview of the dictionary and discuss how the date elements may be used over the next 6-12 months in active projects. We will have a brief discussion on how the technical community interested in Immunization interoperability in Canada would like to be engaged in this work, and confirm date and time for the next call.

Date/time for this call is Wednesday, December 9th, 2 – 3:30pm ET. Agenda will be covered in 60 minutes, but if there are questions / further discussion we will extend the call to 90 minutes.
Join by phone
Call-in toll-free number: 1-866-626-0833 Conference Code: 869 441 1152 Web Ex link:

2. The second call will focus on the various messaging options available for immunization interoperability (v2, panCanadian V3, CDA, FHIR etc) and, time permitting, an introduction to a sample immunization specification using InfoScribe to stimulate discussion.
Date/time for this call to be confirmed with participants on December 9th.

Looking forward to the discussion.

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