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file CVC Monthly Meeting Summary

  • Posts: 53
3 years 10 months ago #6616 by Taylor Rubens-Augustson
Hi everyone,

Thank you for your participation in last week's CVC meeting. Please find below a summary of the meeting and action items.

The next CVC working group meeting is scheduled to take place on Thursday, February 25th from 2-3pm EST. Please note you must register in advance for this meeting via the link below. If you have anything you would like to add to the agenda, please let me know.

Register for the CVC Monthly Working Group Meeting:

1. Developing a process for new COVID-19 vaccine concepts
- The CVC team has received the information needed from Health Canada required to create a trade name concept for the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine, and partial information for the Janssen vaccine.
- The CVC team has created a Request For Change for the AstraZeneca vaccine on Informs, which can be found here: (note you must have or register for an account to access this). To be notified of updates to this RFC, select "Watch this issue" on the right-hand side.
- Discussion: Are additional generic concepts required to support non mRNA vaccines under review currently?
- Action Item: Taylor to consult with stakeholders offline (PHO, CIHI and HC) to determine recommended generic agent codes for adenovirus-
vectored vaccines (i.e. Oxford AstraZeneca)
- Expected Date of Decision - ASAP - Taylor will seek feedback from CVC committee members prior to next CVC call.
- Consensus to draft a letter to ask Health Canada to be a regular advisory member in the work of the CVC.
- Action item: CVC team to draft a letter and share with working group members, requesting permission to include organizations as
- Expected date: Taylor will share prior to next CVC call.

2. Proposed additions to HealthCareProviderRoleType subset
- There were no objections to adding codes to the HealthCareProviderRoleType subset of the CVC, as they will be administering vaccinations in Ontario. The following codes to be added are:
- "PA" - "Physician Assistant"
- "PP" - "Paramedic Practitioner"
- "PTECH" - "Pharmacy Technician"
- "RRT" - "Respiratory Therapist"

3. Data elements & the COVID-19 vaccine rollout
- Opened the discussion as to whether additional data elements may be needed in the CVC to meet requirements for national level reporting in the context of COVID-19
- Completion of Vaccination Series (e.g. yes/no) was raised as an element used outside of Canada.
- WG members did not perceive a need for adding other data elements at this time.
- Beverly to keep the group informed of ISO work that may be relevant for Canada.

4. GS1 Outreach Campaign
- GS1 is currently conducting an outreach campaign to vaccine manufacturers to publish GTIN data to the CVC. This campaign could be facilitated with the endorsement of the CVC's end users/contributors.
- Action item: CVC team to send a letter to the working group requesting permission to add organization logos to the CVC website.
- Expected date - Taylor will share prior to next CVC call.

5. Upcoming releases
- Ad-hoc version released on January 28, 2021 with updated lot numbers, including new COVID-19 vaccine lot numbers
- February 4th, 2021: Prerelease (version 1.1.8 ) sent to stakeholders for QA
- February 11, 2021: Target release (version 1.1.8 )

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