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question-circle Display Standards for rendering Vitals in a User Interface.

  • Posts: 30
1 month 1 week ago #9716 by Elliot Silver
SIIM/ACR have a technical standard for radiology, but I'm pretty sure it doesn't get into that sort of guidance. I'd suggest your best bet is to look to professional societies to see if they have standards of practice related to information display. Another route is to look to at AAMI, or HIMSS EMRA, and other vendor associations, to see what they have.

If you do find anything, please report back.


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  • Posts: 1
1 month 2 weeks ago #9711 by Dave Smith
Hi All,

Our team is seeking guidance regarding display standards for Clinical Observations. Specifically, around Vitals. E.g., Respiratory Rate, Blood Pressure, Heart Rate, O2 Saturation.
The HL7 FHIR model is a helpful framework for defining the data structure of these vitals, but we are looking for some direction on displaying the information in a consistent way.
Blood pressure is an example where the context of the measurement has a bearing on the clinical observation.
Systolic: 120, 140, 200
Diastolic: 80, 100, 110
BodySite: Left Arm, Right leg.
Position: Lying, Sitting, Standing

Which could render as.
120/80, Left Arm, sitting,

Respiratory Rate is another.
Rate: 26 breaths/minute
Pattern: Regular, Irregular,
Depth: Normal depth of breathing, Slow shallow breathing, Hyperventilation
Activity: At Rest, Active

Which could render as:
26 breaths/minute, Regular, Hyperventilation, At Rest

Are there any standards bodies that provide guidance on display standards for Vitals?


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