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check Wed, Apr-20 noon ET: Review the draft IHE Canada annual report

  • Posts: 131
2 years 2 months ago #7777 by Derek Ritz
Hi everyone -- this is to update the community regarding our 2022 IHE Canada annual report to the IHE International Board. The final version of the report is found, here:
2022 IHE Canada Report (final)

As an important note regarding this final version -- a small edit has been made on page 6, following our review meeting. To clarify regarding the CA:FeX specification, a diagram and some text was added to make it clear that, from a profile governance standpoint, CA:FeX is a 100% made-in-Canada specification. That said... it is based on and consistent with international standards -- and this important has been made explicitly clear. :)

The next steps will be to present our 2022 annual report to IHE Global Deployment Coordination Committee (May-4) and then to the IHE International Board (May-12). Thanks so much to our whole community... this year has been a real watershed for IHE Canada!

Warmest regards, and stay safe and well, everybody,

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  • Posts: 131
2 years 3 months ago #7758 by Derek Ritz
Andrea -- thanks for the shout-out. I completely agree... there has been some really important progress this year and I truly will enjoy reporting on our IHE Canada community's great work to the IHE International Board. Thank you -- everyone -- for affording me the opportunity to report such happy news to our global IHE colleagues!! :cheer:

With great appreciation and warmest regards,

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  • Posts: 317
2 years 3 months ago #7755 by Andrea MacLean
Derek, my congratulations to the IHE Canada community on all of the accomplishments and great work listed in this years report.
Each of those line items represents so much hard work, dedication and meaningful progress

What a great celebratory read!

Thank you


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  • Posts: 131
2 years 3 months ago #7750 by Derek Ritz
Hi all... this is a quick reminder of the IHE Canada draft review meeting coming up in an hour (noon ET, Apr-20). :)

You can register to attend, here .
A copy of the draft is available, here: DRAFT for COMMENT -- 2022 IHE Canada annual report to the IHE International Board .

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  • Posts: 131
2 years 3 months ago #7727 by Derek Ritz
Hi all -- I hope everyone is starting to enjoy a bit of spring weather (and sorry, friends in Manitoba, to hear that you're not). :blink:

It's time, again, for the IHE Canada annual report to the IHE International Board.
A community meeting is set for Wednesday Apr-20 at noon ET to review the draft report. You can register to attend, here .
A copy of the draft is available, here: DRAFT for COMMENT -- 2022 IHE Canada annual report to the IHE International Board .

I look forward to seeing community members on the call, reviewing the year that was... and making plans for the year to come.
Stay safe and well, everyone!

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