One of our IHE colleagues, Andries Hamster (IHE Netherlands, Philips Healthcare) has recently reported on a significant development related to the COVID-19 pandemic. According to Andries:
"I am proud on what we have achieved related to this in the Netherlands. I wanted to share with you that Philips, in cooperation with the Dutch Ministry of Health and all Dutch hospitals, have setup a nationwide 100% IHE-based sharing infrastructure through which Dutch hospitals can share patient information for patients that are transferred between hospitals due to ICU bed shortages. Within just 2 weeks, we have been able to onboard 70 hospitals! It is amazing to see how people work together it the situation calls for it. Although in Dutch, you can find more details at] (Google Translate is your friend
Improving the quality of patient care through the effective sharing of clinical information among health care organizations, clinicians and their patients.