Hello and welcome to the HL7 Canada Community Forum.
This is an open community focused on existing and emerging HL7 interoperability standards as they are implemented in Canada. Our community includes many members who are subject matter experts in various aspects of the HL7 International standards such as HL7 v2, V3, CDA, FHIR,W how they have been adopted or adapted in Canada.
Feel free to ask any questions or offer insights on this subject area here in the forum. The community and the Infocentral team monitor the forum and will strive to respond quickly. We also have monthly web conferences that you are welcome to join if you would like to be part of ongoing conversations and opportunities in the use of HL7 standards to advance interoperability of digital health solutions in Canada.
Improving the quality of patient care through the effective sharing of clinical information among health care organizations, clinicians and their patients.