When you click on Forum - if you select "View all posts" you can easily access the Resource links that have been created. They are all housed at the top with a red thumbtack.
Dear Medication Management Community members and followers,
The working group is pleased to announce that we have added few important topics as “sticky” posts at the top of the forum for your convenience. These topics include links to valuable resources that we hope will help you in your daily work.
Each resource link contains a brief description of its content.
Adding to topics: If you have a link that you consider valuable and would like to share with the group, please feel free to add to a respective topic. Please use the name or title of the resource, as the subject line. Also, avoid using the words Link to or Document. Please include a short (4 line) description with keywords, so that members may use the search function to find the resource.
Searching for a link: The resource topics are searchable. Use the “Search” box in the top right corner. Type the keywords and then click the magnifying glass icon to perform the search across all topics.
Thank you very much to all group members for your support and participation!
Improving the quality of patient care through the effective sharing of clinical information among health care organizations, clinicians and their patients.