Canadian Clinical Drug Data Set February 2025 release is now available for access and implementation on Terminology Gateway & Terminology Server. Learn More >

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A next generation standards framework created by HL7

FHIR® is the latest standard developed by HL7 and stands for Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources. It is comprised of logical building blocks called “resources” that are assembled to create solutions that solve real world clinical, infrastructure and administrative issues. FHIR is implementation focused and uses modern web technologies such an HTTP Restful protocol and modern data-exchange formats such as JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) to represent data. It is the ideal choice in a wide variety of settings – mobile phone apps, cloud communications, health record data sharing etc.

 International Releases & Tools

Services and Public Servers



Application Programming Interfaces



Want more information or wish to discuss your standards requirements? Contact Us.

Standards Access

To access licensed international and national health information standards (e.g. SNOMED CT), simply login to your Infoway Account and reconfirm acceptance of the Terms of Use and License Agreements annually. Fees are only collected for access and use of HL7 International materials.

All SNOMED CT, LOINC and Infoway software tools are available at no cost to users with an active Infoway account. Information provided during Infoway Account registration may be used to respect our contractual commitments with licensors such as HL7 International and SNOMED International, or to request feedback on artifacts downloaded via Terminology Gateway or Terminology API. Email us to opt out from receiving feedback emails of terminology downloads from the maintaining organization.

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