Published on Apr 12, 2017 by Lisa Hayes
The Hello World projectfor HL7v3 illustrates the basic functionality of Message Builder, which includes:
- Configuring a Code Resolver
- Creating a Message
- Reading a Message
- Message Validation
- Sending/Receiving a Message (Transport Mechanisms)
There are 4 different messages that the examples send and receive:
- Find Candidates (look up a patient in the Client Registry)
- Immunization Query (look up the immunization records for a patient)
- Drug Prescription Query (look up the medications a patient is on)
- Lab Results Query (look up lab results for the patient)
You can download the Java HellowWorld project below:
- Download the Java HelloWorld project
- Unzip the file to a local directory
- Use Maven to convertitinto an Eclipse project: mvn eclipse:eclipse -f message-builder-hello-world-project-pom.xml
- Import within Eclipse
- The sample messages can be found under package. Select a sample message and run it as a Java application.