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Building Blocks ( 9 Documents )

Coordination of Care ( 65 Documents )

Cybersecurity ( 2 Documents )

eReferral ( 0 Document )

eReferral ( 42 Documents )

FHIR Implementations ( 174 Documents )

FHIR URI ( 1 Document )

General ( 4 Documents )

Health Analytics ( 55 Documents )

Health Terminologies ( 112 Documents )

HL7 ( 295 Documents )

HL7 Canada Council ( 20 Documents )

IHE ( 31 Documents )

ISO ( 25 Documents )

ITAC Health ( 1 Document )

Message Builder ( 10 Documents )

Patient Summaries ( 45 Documents )

Presentations and videos from webinars or other interoperability related events.

Public Health ( 291 Documents )

Sex and Gender ( 206 Documents )

Tools ( 3 Documents )

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Improving the quality of patient care through the effective sharing of clinical information among health care organizations, clinicians and their patients.