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Supporting Interoperability of Immunization Data through the Canadian Vaccine Catalogue

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The Canadian Vaccine Catalogue (CVC) is the comprehensive, standards-based, source-of-truth for vaccine terminology and vaccine product information in Canada. It is developed and maintained by CANImmunize.

The CVC is a data system that centralizes standardized immunization terminology and variable product data. It is used to capture, record and exchange immunization data in digital health systems, enabling interoperability and public health surveillance in near real time. The CVC is standards based, using the SNOMED CT Canadian Edition terminology, published and maintained by Infoway.

This catalogue enables timely aggregation and reporting of data across the country for surveillance purposes. It enhances Canada’s ability to monitor vaccine safety and vaccination coverage rates in real-time. It is used by health informatics and IT professionals developing digital health systems.

New versions of this catalogue are released bi-weekly and can be accessed at no cost. Visit CANImmunize to browse the Catalogue or download the latest version.

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