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Introduction to the Public Review of the Canadian Clinical Drug Data Set

Group: Medication Management
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Thursday, June 08, 2017, 11:30am - 12:30pm ET
by Beverly Knight

Introduction to the Public Review Period – Canadian Clinical Drug Data Set

We would like to welcome vendors and clinicians to join us in a webinar to learn how you can conribute to the pubic review. At this webinar we will provide a detailed overview of the structure and content within the files that make up the Canadian Clinical Drug Data Set at a business level and the type of feedback that would be most helpful at this stage.

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Health Canada and Canada Health Infoway are preparing to publish the first release of the new national drug terminology, the Canadian Clinical Drug Data Set at the end of this summer.

The Canadian Clinical Drug Data Set is a national drug terminology based on Health Canada’s Drug Product Database that is freely available. It will provide a consistent approach to the identification and naming of medications, resulting in a drug terminology solution that allows the PrescribeIT e-Prescribing service and other digital health solutions to share information about drug products and groups of drug products with otherwise incompatible proprietary systems used in practice management, pharmacy management, and provincial drug information systems. The Canadian Clinical Drug Data set will also contribute to managing the opiod crisis in Canada. The Canadian Clinical Drug Data Set will include manufactured products and therapeutically equivalent (i.e. generic) medications and a few frequently prescribed devices.

The Canadian Clinical Drug Data Set will not replace the Health Canada Drug Product Database (DPD) it will be owned and published by Health Canada in addition to the DPD (with monthly updates). In most cases, the Canadian Clinical Drug Data set will be used as an interchange technology, clinical systems will continue to use their existing drug terminology and interfaces while mapping to the Canadian Clinical Drug Data Set. When these systems share drug information, e.g. an electronic prescription, they swill share the Canadian Clinical Drug Data Set codes.

Prior to publication, vendors, clinicians and other stakeholders interested in medication safety are invited to participate in the public review period from June 7 to July 7th, 2017. Feedback is requested on the file structure of the Canadian Clinical Drug Data Set and application of editorial guidelines to a small volume of representative content.


Beverly Knight

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