Events Calendar
To Wednesday, January 28, 2015 - 05:00pm ET
Host: Mobile Health Summit
Partake in the mHealth Revolution: Enhance Patient Communication, Expedite Diagnosis and Improve Clinical Outcomes
Source exclusive knowledge to match your priorities in specialized tracks for hospital care and community health. Hear directly from physicians and IT specialists initiating clinically and technologically sound transformations in the healthcare sector. Connect with the very best researchers and practitioners from across North America.
Don’t reinvent the wheel. Learn from others’ experiences and emulate their successes. Source a concrete action plan to improve diagnosis, track disease, generate timely and actionable health information, enable early intervention, and radically improve your patients’ health.
Your first step to source intelligence unavailable elsewhere – THIS CONFERENCE!
Take away 10 practical solutions to better tackle:
- Behavioural Change: Ensure patient engagement within your mobile strategy
- Implementation: Source practical tips from organizations that have adopted mHealth
- The Internet-of-Things: Prepare for a new technological age and recognize opportunities
- Provincial Health Policy: Connect with policymakers to understand the legislative future
- Patient Communication: Exploit the new wave of mobile telecommunications
- Chronic Disease: Remotely manage chronic conditions to increase efficiency/minimize costs
- Innovative Apps: Identify relevant platforms to foster patient involvement in their health
- User Privacy: Successfully manage privacy threats to protect your patients and clinicians
- Team Management: Foster collaboration in the digitization of your healthcare services
- Real-time Data: Monitor patient health in real-time to contain disease and enable precision medicine
Interested in attending? Enquire now:
Tel: 1 (866) 298-9343 ext 200 (Toll Free)
For more information please visit their website
Keynote Address: Remote Monitoring - Revolutionize Chronic Disease Management Through Care at a Distance
January 28th 2015
8:30 am
Infoway 20% discount code: SPKR20