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HL7 May Working Group Meeting

Group: HL7
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From Sunday, May 08, 2016 -  08:30am
To Friday, May 13, 2016 - 01:30pm ET
by Irina Voronin

HL7 May Working Group Meeting
May 8 - 13, 2016
Montreal (Quebec), Canada

Did you know that HL7 offers more than 30 educational tutorials during the week of the Working Group Meeting? HL7 WGMs serve a dual-purpose: the opportunity for our work groups to meet face-to-face and to provide in-person education on HL7 standards straight from the source.

During the May WGM, tutorials led by HL7 experts on the following topics will be offered:

  • Clinical Document Architecture (CDA®)
  • HL7 Version 2
  • HL7 Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR®)
  • New this WGM: HL7 Hot Topics – Healthcare Challenges, Technological Advances and HL7’s Response
  • Other special topics, including: Standards for Interoperability, Vocabulary in HL7, Specification Profiles and Conformance, and many more!

Review the complete list of tutorials* offered at the May WGM.

Register Today

Important upcoming registration deadlines!
Early Bird & Hotel Registration Cutoff: Friday, April 15
Online Registration Cutoff: Friday, April 22

* Please note: unless otherwise indicated, there is a fee to attend WGM tutorials in addition to the daily registration fee.

Location Le Centre Sheraton Montreal Hotel Montreal (Quebec), Canada

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