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map-pin Consumer resources (medication safety)

  • Posts: 85
7 years 4 weeks ago #3696 by Lisa Sever
With the launch of Opioid Wisely Campaign, some new patient resources have been released.

Click on the titles to access the resources:

Opioids - When you need them and when you don't (PDF version can be accessed here)

Opioids for pain after surgery

Opioid Wisely Poster (for clinics, waiting rooms etc.)

Patients and consumers are depending on their care team to help educate them on safe medication use.

ISMP Canada

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  • Posts: 85
7 years 4 months ago - 7 years 4 months ago #3344 by Lisa Sever
Bringing to the group's attention the consumer resources that have been developed by the Canadian Deprescribing Network.

Organizations and groups can order the brochures and information to provide to their members or to hand out at conferences.

Bruyere Research Institute in Ottawa is also holding a Deprescribing Fair for the public. Click to see their flyer
What a great idea!

Other organizations should consider hosting similar events to expand this initiative across Canada.

ISMP Canada
Last edit: 7 years 4 months ago by Lisa Sever. Reason: Change title

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  • Posts: 85
7 years 8 months ago - 7 years 8 months ago #2888 by Lisa Sever
ISMP Canada has just released a video series for patients and caregivers called Question Opioids.

There are 8 short videos. They have been designed to answer relevant questions about opioids - such as side effects, addictions and safe storage.

The videos can be accessed through this newsletter and are on the ISMP Canada Youtube channel.

We welcome your feedback and ask that you share them with direct patient care clinicians and patients/caregivers or consumers to increase awareness.

Lisa Sever
ISMP Canada
Last edit: 7 years 8 months ago by Lisa Sever. Reason: wrong title

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  • Posts: 158
7 years 8 months ago #2832 by Seema Nayani
Replied by Seema Nayani on topic PatientsLikeMe
Hi Everyone,

I came across this digital health network that has been around since 2004, which has worldwide reach.

PatientsLikeMe develops digital communities and creates research opportunities for patients with highly specialized, often under served conditions. Patients have the opportunity to connect with others through the PatientsLikeMe’s platform. The platform allows anyone with a chronic condition the opportunity to track, share symptom and treatment experiences and contribute data for research. The data that patients share is used to derive new insights, and then shared back with the contributing patients as well as industry to improve treatments. Interesting use of a digital community!

Kind regards,

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  • Posts: 85
7 years 9 months ago - 7 years 9 months ago #2684 by Lisa Sever
Is your organization developing consumer resources to help patients manage or interpret their medications?
I know many pharmacy chains have started to develop Apps, that can enable patients to view their dispensing history or obtain refills.
There has been research published showing IPADs that have uploaded the medication list from EMRs, to aid patient participation in medication reconciliation.

Has your organization been involved in creating consumer engagement in medications via technology? If so please share your experiences.

And once again, Australia is leading the way. I wanted to share their National Guidelines for on-screen display of consumer medicines information

Truly as we engage consumers, we must ensure that we do proactive risk assessments before releasing these tools to patients. And I encourage reporting any medication related incidents, that have stemmed from Health technology, to the ISMP Canada medication incident database . Please ensure that in the narrative, you indicate that technology may be a contributor to the incident.

Lisa Sever
Medication Safety Specialist, ISMP Canada
Last edit: 7 years 9 months ago by Lisa Sever.

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  • Posts: 15
7 years 9 months ago #2668 by Tara Blackwood
I saw this on Twitter this week! the word is spreading...

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Moderators: Linda MonicoSeema Nayani

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